Bring Your Appetite!

Our Annual Akron Law Thanksgiving Dinner is next Monday, November 20th~ bring your families/significant others to the McDowell Commons anytime between Noon and 6:30 pm for a full traditional Thanksgiving meal.  We will have roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, cookies, and homemade pumpkin pies for you to enjoy! 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, SBA is sponsoring a “Undie Monday” drive in conjunction with the dinner.  Please bring new packs of underwear for men, women, and children; gently used clothing; or you can make a cash donation.  These will all go to the Haven of Rest for their clothing room that serves those less fortunate in the Akron community.

Thanksgiving Dinner and Undie Monday 

Monday, November 20th

McDowell Commons in the McDowell Law Center at UA

12 Noon – 6:30 pm

No need to RSVP.  If you have any questions about the dinner, please email  If you have any questions about the Undie Monday drive, please email Samantha Nagy of SBA at