ILS meeting is Today!

Hello International Law Society (ILS) members and friends:

Mark your calendars! Our next general body meeting is TODAY, February 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM in L-161. This is our first general body meeting of the spring and one of our most important because we do have stacks of events planned this semester, so we HIGHLY encourage you to come (don’t worry – we will feed you!).

We will be doing some voting, so if you know you owe ILS dues, please make sure to come to the meeting or message Andrew Carroll ( prior to the meeting.

We currently have two events that will be happening right after this meeting, for which we still need to do final planning, so please be sure to attend this meeting.

Also–we accept members year round, but T-shirts are ordered only in the Fall. So, if you know a spring start, bring them and their $10 to our meeting! 🙂

Hope this semester is treating you well so far!

We look forward to seeing all of you!