Name of Scholarship: Lakin Afolabi Law Future Criminal Lawyer Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Short Description: Lakin Afolabi and his criminal defence team would like to welcome students who are thinking or already interested in pursuing a legal education in the next 5 years and demonstrate their passion in criminal justice with the following scholarship topic essay: “Should the presumption of innocence continue to apply in the #metoo era? Why or why not? (Minimum 500 words)
Application deadline: June 30, 2019
Eligibility Requirements
In order for students to participate in this scholarship contest, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be currently attending a Canadian or American University or College during and enrolled in any undergraduate program
- Submit an online submission for the specified topic via email and provide their Name, Address, Phone Number and Proof of Enrollment
- Essay submission must be in MS Word Document format or Google Doc
- For more information, please see our scholarship website.