The Patti Rose Scheimer Bednarik Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Patti Rose Scheimer Bednarik Memorial Scholarship Fund has been created to support the award of an annual scholarship to a law school student or lawyer in practice for less than 3 years who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to animal law or animal welfare. The maximum annual award will be $5,400.

Eligibility:  Applicants must be either: 1) Pennsylvania residents enrolled in a law school within the United States; 2) Law students enrolled in any of Pennsylvania’s accredited law schools; or 3) Pennsylvania lawyers in practice LESS THAN THREE YEARS.

Applicants MUST PERFORM VOLUNTEER SERVICE TO AN ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION before, during, and/or after law school; or engage in scholarship in the field of animal law and animal welfare, including reading, research, writing and clinical work; or perform pro bono legal work in the field of animal welfare.

The recipient will be selected by the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation Scholarship Committee with the participation and advice of the Donor. In the event more than one applicant is deemed deserving, the scholarship/grant may be divided between not more than two applicants.

To apply send your:

  • Proof of Pennsylvania residency as documented by applicant’s current voter registration card or current Pennsylvania driver’s license.
  • Proof of enrollment in a Pennsylvania accredited law school as documented by current unofficial academic transcript.
  • Your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and if currently enrolled in law school – the name and address of the school and your current year in school.
  • Two letters of recommendation, at least one from a law school professor who can attest to the applicant’s legal studies related to animal law/animal welfare or a board member or director of an organization who can attest to the applicant’s work or service to animal law/animal welfare.
  • Your most recent resume.
  • A one to three-page narrative describing your interest in animal issues. Applicants will be evaluated based on the degree to which they address the following areas:
    • Describe any animal law (or animal protection) activities and experience (academic, volunteer, activism, employment, etc.) to date.
    • If applicable, describe how your law school education will help you to be a better advocate for animals.
    • Describe how you see yourself protecting the welfare of animals through the legal system.
    • Describe how receiving this scholarship will help advance your commitment to animal law/animal welfare.
  • Additionally, please feel free to submit any papers, pleadings, law review or newspaper articles that demonstrate your animal law/animal welfare volunteer service.

Application period: February 1, 2019 through May 21, 2019

Applications must be e-mailed to: Patti Rose Scheimer Bednarik Memorial Scholarship Fund PA Bar Foundation, 100 South Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

More information may be found HERE