Louisville, KY – Summer 2019 Internship Program – U.S. Dept. of Justice Exec. Office of Immigration Review

AkronLawJobs No. 9925 Overview: The Louisville Immigration Court is soliciting internship applications for SUMMER 2019. Prior knowledge of immigration law is preferred but not necessary.

Duties: Issues commonly before the Court include asylum eligibility, cancellation of removal, and motions to dismiss or terminate. The types of projects assigned to legal interns vary depending on the Court’s docket, and will entail: Research and preparation of memoranda on complex legal issues; Drafting decisions on motions pending before the Court; and Drafting decisions on applications for relief from removal. This internship offers an excellent opportunity to develop research, writing, and analytical skills. Legal interns will work under the supervision of the Court’s clerks, but will also have interaction with individual Immigration judges.

Salary: This is an UNPAID/VOLUNTEER position. However, students may be eligible for academic credit or work-study funding. Students interested in receiving credit or work-study funding should contact the appropriate person at their law school to determine their eligibility.

Time Commitment: The internship is full-time and interns are expected to be available for 10-12 weeks.

Qualifications: 1L or 2L. Must be United States citizens.

How to Apply: Submit a detailed cover letter, resume, official or unofficial law school transcript, list of three references with their contact information, and writing sample OF NO MORE THAN TEN PAGES.
The writing sample should be an original piece of work that provides evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing and has not been heavily edited by a third party. An excerpt of a longer piece is acceptable.
Please e-mail completed application packets to: Jennifer Nelson, Attorney Advisor, Jennifer.Nelson@usdoj.gov  Electronic submissions only

Deadline:  February 15, 2019