The first MAX® scholarship drawing is coming up quickly on November 1!  Sign in/Register for MAX Online – your free, personal finance program specifically designed for law school students and take advantage of the many program activities throughout the school year. You can earn entries into their $330,000 annual scholarships (cumulative total for 1L, 2L, and 3L classes) by:

  • Completing the MAX Lessons for your year in school (lessons are short – about 10-15 minutes each)
  • Attending MAX online workshops/events
  • Completing your class year survey

You earn one entry for every activity you complete. If you complete all eight lessons for your class year, your class year’s survey and any two workshops, you will receive ten (10) additional scholarship entries – a total of 21! All lessons/activities completed by October 31 will earn you entries in the November 1 drawing and the other two drawings this academic year.

If you win the November drawing, it does not eliminate your entries from the grand prize drawing in April.

I am confident you will find the MAX program valuable and would love to see YOU be a MAX® scholarship winner!