TODAY: How Political and Demographic Changes Have Shifted Debate About Guns & The 2nd Amendment

The Akron Law Federalist Society is hosting former Congressman, Bob Barr, and Akron Law Professor, Martin Belsky, for a debate on the changing discussion surrounding guns & the 2nd Amendment in the United States today. This subject is both timely and important given recent events where individuals have exercised their Second Amendment rights while protesting in public. We hope that you will log on and join us for an engaging discussion.

Please join the meeting with this link:

Or manually enter the following meeting info at:

Session number: 120 348 5831 
Session password: ZippyLaw 


The Akron Law Federalist Society is hosting former Congressman, Bob Barr, and Akron Law Professor, Martin Belsky, for a debate on the changing discussion surrounding guns & the 2nd Amendment in the United States today. This subject is both timely and important given recent events where individuals have exercised their Second Amendment rights while protesting in public. We hope that you will log on and join us for an engaging discussion.

Please join the meeting with this link:

Or manually enter the following meeting info at:

Session number: 120 348 5831 
Session password: ZippyLaw 
