Cleveland Legal Aid seeking volunteers this week!

Legal Aid, United Way, CHN and Channels 19/43 are hosting a legal information phone bank on October 7.  This phone bank is focused on eviction prevention.  We need your help!  Volunteers will help staff the virtual phone bank and provide eviction prevention information to callers.  This is a 100% virtual volunteer experience – volunteers need to simply assist from a quiet, private location anywhere in the United States.  A training and script will be provided.

Time commitment is 3.0 hours over two days:

  • Wednesday, October 6, 2021 – 12:00 pm: virtual training and housing law via Zoom (30-60 minutes)
  • Thursday, October 7, 2021 – 4:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.: virtual phone bank with TV 19/43 (2.0 hours)

You must participate in the full 3.0 hour experience – training on housing and the phone system is necessary ahead of the information phone bank.  If never participated as a volunteer in past phone banks, you must attend the live training on 10/6.  If you participated in similar phone banks in the past, you can watch a recording of the training ahead of the 10/7 event.

Interested?  Want to learn more?  Click on this link to sign-up: