Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Project – great summer opportunties available

Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Project (Summer 2013) –  http://AmBar.org/Steiger

AkronLawJobs Job No. 3823 – The Janet D. Steiger Fellowship (named in memory of the late Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission). Selected students will serve for a minimum of eight weeks during the summer of 2013 in the consumer protection or consumer affairs offices of locations of participating State and Territorial governments. Participating government office locations for the summer of 2013 are:

 Montgomery, Alabama            Boston, Massachusetts            Portland or Salem Oregon       

Phoenix, Arizona                     Lansing, Michigan                   Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Little Rock, Arkansas              Jackson, Mississippi                Pierre, South Dakota

Los Angeles or                        Helena, Montana                    Nashville, Tennessee

San Francisco, California          Las Vegas, Nevada                Austin, Texas

Hartford, Connecticut              Concord, New Hampshire       *Salt Lake City, Utah

*Wilmington, Delaware            Newark, New Jersey              Montpelier, Vermont

Atlanta, Georgia                       Santa Fe, New Mexico           Richmond, Virginia

Honolulu, Hawaii                     New York, New York            Olympia, Washington

Des Moines, Iowa                   Saipan, Northern                     Charleston, West Virginia       

Topeka, Kansas                       Mariana Islands                      Madison, Wisconsin

Baltimore, Maryland                *Columbus, Ohio                     Cheyenne, Wyoming  

 *Note: *Will only accept 2Ls

 Download application form: http://AmBar.org/Steiger

 Each selected student will receive a $5,000 stipend for the summer (administered through the offices of the state attorneys general and subject to certain federal taxes). There is also a possibility that an optional travel/housing allowance in an amount yet to be determined may be available to Steiger Fellows not living at home during their fellowship, but applicants are encouraged to apply for locations near their place of residence and in any event should not rely upon receiving an allowance in deciding whether to apply for a fellowship.

 The application period is (September 24, 2012 until October 19, 2012). Applications will not be accepted beyond October 19, 2012 deadline date. Students must submit all documents requested in the application form to: ABASteigerFellowship@americanbar.org