Ohio Supreme Court Externships

Columbus, OH – Legal Externships
There are 3 externships available with the Ohio Supreme Court.  The jobs are located in Columbus.   One with Justice Stratton, one with Children, Family and the Courts and the last with the Specialized Docket Section.  Interested students should contact Gary Spring, Director, New Business Legal Clinic  (gspring@uakron.edu) ASAP so that he can conduct brief interviews and forward on their information. Here is an overview of department assignments for legal externs:

Chief Justice and Justices – The majority of the externs’ time will be spent researching, analyzing and writing. This may involve the preparation of draft opinions, bench memos and memos discussing discretionary appeals and complaints for writs, speeches, or individualized research projects. The extern will be assigned to the senior law clerk and will have his/her work reviewed by the clerk. Externs will also be able to observe oral arguments on the merits of cases when the court is in session. 2.08

Office of Attorney Services – Susan Christoff, Director – Law school externs work under the direction of Attorney Services Counsel and assist in legal research projects for the Commission on Professionalism and Commission on Unauthorized Practice of Law. Research is conducted with regard to efforts and activities in Ohio and other jurisdictions that promote unauthorized practice of law.  9.09

Board of Commissioners on Grievance and Discipline – Jonathan Marshall, Secretary – Was established by Rule V of the Rules for the Government of the Bar and is charged with administering, interpreting, and enforcing Rule V, which deals with lawyer and judge discipline for ethical misconduct. In addition, Ohio judges, judicial candidates, and magistrates file their financial disclosure statements with the Board. 2.08

Case Management Section – Stephanie Hess, Manager – The Case Management Section provides practical and cost-effective solutions for court case management concerns. This is accomplished through training, case management assessments, reviews of current court practices and partnering with the courts during the change process. As a part of case management services, the section administers the temporary assignment of judges to serve in trial and appellate courts to support the timely and efficient administration of justice. The statistical reporting component of the Case Management Section ensures uniform, accurate and timely reporting of statistical information provided by trial, appellate and mayor’s courts. 2.08

Children, Family and the Courts Section – Steve Hanson, Manager – The Children, Families and the Courts Section provides technical assistance, training, and policy recommendations to improve court performance in cases involving children and families. Technical assistance is provided through consultation with local courts and the production of publications and resource materials. Additionally, the section is extensively involved in the study and vetting of policy initiatives that come to the attention of the Advisory Committee on Children, Families and the Courts. 4.08

Disciplinary Counsel – Jonathan Coughlan, Disciplinary Counsel – Responsible for the investigation and prosecution of matters involving the professional responsibilities of Ohio attorneys and judges. 2.08

Dispute Resolution Section – Jacqueline Hagerott, Manager – The Supreme Court of Ohio Dispute Resolution Section assists all courts in developing and sustaining dispute resolution programs that are accessible to all citizens; provides technical assistance and training to court staff, judges, court personnel and attorneys; provides research related to dispute resolution training, program monitoring and administration of policies and procedures developed in collaboration with the Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Dispute Resolution which includes members appointed by Thomas J. Moyer, Chief Justice. 3.08

Judicial College – Debra Weinberg, Education Program Manager – The Judicial College was created in 1976 and is governed by Gov. Jud. R.V. The College was established to provide educational programs and activities for Ohio judges. In 1988, the program was expanded to include magistrates (then known as referees), and in 1990 the College began to provide programs for non-judicial court personnel throughout the state. 9.09

Office of Administrative Director – Jo Ellen Cline, Legislative Counsel – The extern will be researching issues related to legislation that the Court is monitoring, attending committee meetings at the General Assembly and helping with research and other projects for various task forces and commissions here at the Court. 2.08

Office of Judicial & Court Services – Bruno Romero, Interpreter Services Program Manager – The mission of the Interpreter Services Program (ISP) at the Supreme Court of Ohio is to assist courts in the state of Ohio in ensuring that linguistic minorities and deaf and hard of hearing communities have equal access to the courts. The Interpreter Services Program’s initial focus is to assess the needs of the courts, determine the demographic makeup, and come up with strategies to aid the courts in meeting their goals of access. The ISP will also explore legal research, policy analysis, technical assistance and training. 2.08

Office of Legal Resources – Art Marziale, Director – The Office of Legal Resources provides research and writing support to the Justices on the non-discretionary portion of the Court’s docket: death penalty appeals, public utility appeals, workers’ compensation appeals, state tax appeals, and attorney disciplinary cases. The Office also assists with extraordinary actions filed in the Court, such as mandamus and prohibition actions, supports the Chief Justice with processing affidavits of disqualifications filed throughout the state against judges, and provides other assistance as required by the Court. 2.08

Specialized Dockets Section – Melissa Knopp, Attorney – The Specialized Docket Section encompasses issues related to drug court, mental health court, domestic violence court, sex offender court, child support enforcement court, and re-entry court programs. The Section offers technical support to trial courts in analyzing the need for, planning of, and implementation of specialized docket programs and assists in resolving legal and court procedural issues that arise in such programs 2.08