Please join us for the LGBTQ Diversity and Inclusion Conference (“Immigration, Employment and Education Post-Obergefell”) on Wednesday, June 15th. We also encourage everyone to stay for the reception immediately following the conference.
We are really excited about this year’s program. We have a national speaker discussing religious exemptions and nondiscrimination measures; public accommodation post-Obergefell (discussing the Kim Davis case, amongst others); EEOC Title VII; Immigration, refugee and asylum issues for the LGBTQ community; bullying; adoption/parentage/custody update; and public employers and transitioning employees. It is a wide range of topics, many in the news every day — we are hoping to reach out to the wide swath of the legal community to participate, and the topics are all on point.
As a member of the OSBA Board of Governors and a member of the planning committee for this conference, I want to personally invite you to the conference. We had a wonderful turnout of students at last year’s conference, and hope to have even more this year. Please RSVP directly to Elizabeth Krile at if interested in attending.
Date and Location
June 15, 2016