Cinderella Story

Once again the faculty and progeny/spouses defeated the upstart first year students in an athletic contest. In what we hope will be an annual kickball event, the faculty team was victorious by a margin of 4-3. The team name for the first years was Vodka and Red Bull, which may account for their performance. This was a well planned event, organized by the SBA. The faculty especially appreciated the sportsmanship of the students who played with honor and style although without much ability!

There were some vague but consistent complaints about illegal acts by the faculty first baseman. As the faculty member with the most seniority, Professor Carro considered those whining complaints and rejected them.

Events like these are fun and valuable to the law school community. We hope that this can become a tradition and that in the future the students will be able to prevail (not) .

J. Dean Carro
Director, Legal Clinic
The University of Akron