Dungeons and Dragons for Akron Law – Stay Connected

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join in a game of Dungeons and Dragons to ward off boredom and stay connected during the quarantine. The game sessions will be hosted by Raph Petrig using free services on Discord and www.roll20.net

All levels of experience are welcome and support will be given to help new players learn the ropes. The game will follow rules from Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition with PDFs of the Player’s Handbook available courtesy Raph. If anyone is interested in learning to be a Dungeon Master or has experience being one and is willing to participate options to do so can be provided.

Games will initially be held Friday evenings but can be rescheduled to accommodate busy schedules. For more information or to sign up, contact Raph at asp72@zips.uakron.edu. We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy during this quarantine!”

I intended to use “Lawyers and Dragons” to refer to the game sessions. There are absolutely no costs to play and the only equipment required is a laptop and stable internet connection. Headsets with working microphones are recommended.

I’m so excited to share this game with the rest of my classmates and colleagues and can’t wait to get started!


Amber “Raph” Petrig