Judicial Intern Opportunity Program for minority and economically disadvantaged law students – further info in CPPO

Judicial Intern Opportunity Program: The American Bar Association Section of Litigation is pleased to announce its Summer 2012 Judicial Intern Opportunity Program. The program is a full-time, six week minimum summer internship program open to all first or second year minority and/or economically disadvantaged law students. Applications for second year students are currently being accepted, and applications for first year students will be accepted beginning December 1st. The deadline to apply for the Program is January 6, 2012. Selected students will be given an opportunity to intern for six or more weeks during the summer with a participating state or federal judge. The program offers a $1,500 award to each selected student. You can find a copy of the program application and all other information at: www.ambar.org/jiop. If you have any questions, you may contact Gail Howard at gail.howard@americanbar.org or by phone at (312) 988-6348. Further information is also available in the Career Planning Office.