U.S. Attorney’s Office seeks 2012 Summer Law Clerks

Akron, Cleveland, Youngstown, OH – 2012 Summer Law Clerk Program – United States Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Ohio

AkronLawJobs Job No. 3010 – The Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio is responsible for the prosecution of all federal crimes in northern Ohio.  The office also represents the United States and its departments and agencies in civil proceedings filed in federal court and in the Sixth Circuit.  Volunteer law clerks assist in the prosecution and defense of both criminal and civil cases in the District Court, the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and the Bankruptcy Court.

 Projected No. of Volunteers (14-15 (students entering their third year are preferred)

 Location(s):  Cleveland, OH (12);  Akron, OH (1,2); Youngstown (1)

 They are currently accepting applications for the 2012 Summer Law Clerk Program.  The application deadline is January 9, 2012. 

 Application Materials:  Resume and cover letter indicating dates when available, and telephone number(s) where student can be reached both during the day and in the evening.  Application by e-mail is the exclusive method of providing the resume and cover letter.  Applications should be submitted to:  USAOHN.SummerLaw@usdoj.gov.  Cover letter should be addressed to:  Carole S. Rendon, First Assistant United States Attorney; United States Courthouse, Suite 400; 801 West Superior Avenue; Cleveland, OH  44113.

 Qualifications – First-year (second semester) and second-year law students.  Must be a U.S. citizen.  Will be subject to a background investigation due to the sensitive nature of the work performed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

 Minimum Weeks Required:  10 weeks minimum (at least 32 hours per week) (full time strongly preferred).

 Assignments:  Law clerks can expect to research and write motions in pending cases; to research legal issues for indictments and investigations; to assemble exhibits for trial; to observe hearings and trials of cases on which they are working or in which they are interested.

 If you have any questions about the 2012 Summer Law Clerk Program, please feel free to contact either Assistant U.S. Attorney Phillip J. Tripi at (216) 622-3769 or First Assistant U.S. Attorney Carole Rendon at (216) 622-3656.


 Website:  http://www.usdoj.gov/usao.ohn