Constitutional Law Center Fellowships

The Center for Constitutional Law at Akron Law is seeking applications from students interested in serving as Constitutional Law Center Fellows for the 2021-22 academic year.  The four Con Law Fellows work to support the research and programming of the Center. 

The Center for Constitutional Law is one of only four national resource centers established by Congress in 1986 on the bicentennial of the Constitution to support research on constitutional law.  Fellows are supervised by the director of the Center for Con Law, Professor Tracy Thomas.  Con Law Fellows conduct legal and archival research for scholarly papers, write and edit articles for the online journal ConLawNOW, manage the Center’s social media outreach, lead discussion forums, and assist with events sponsored by the Center.  The Con Law Fellowship is unpaid, but offers opportunities for resume distinction, mentorship, advanced research skills, and networking—all advantages in building professional opportunities.  Fellows are expected to commit five hours per week to the fellowship throughout the course of the appointment from June 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022. 

Interested students should submit a resume and statement of interest to Professor Tracy Thomas at by April 30, 2021.   More about the Con Law Center generally is available here: