The deadline for The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s essay contest is quickly approaching. FFRF is offering over $9,000 in prizes for the top three essays submitted on the topic, and $500 honorable mentions at judges’ discretion.
ESSAY TOPIC: Why “history” shouldn’t justify violations of the separation between state and church.
WORD LENGTH: 1,500 words (not including footnotes)
PRIZE INFORMATION: 1st Place $4,000, 2nd Place $3,000, and 3rd Place $2,000
DEADLINE: Fill out application and submit your essay no later than midnight, June 15, 2021. You will be notified by the end of summer if you win.
ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to students enrolled in a North American law school during the 2020-21 academic year. You remain eligible to enter this contest if you are a 3L and graduate from law school in 2021. You are not eligible to enter if you will be starting law school for the first time in the fall of 2021. You may not re-enter if FFRF has already awarded you for a law student essay.
Additional information, including the full essay question, contest rules, and application can be found at: The link to submit an essay is here: