Dr. Larry Snider to visit Akron Law Friday 3/23, 9 am, L-151 – All Students Invited

I want to invite you to a special event.  Unless your class schedule conflicts with this event, you shouldn’t miss it.

Dr. Larry Snider is visiting my Trial Advocacy I class tomorrow — Friday March 23rd beginning at 9:00 in Law-151.  The class is scheduled from 9:00 AM until noon but we will likely meet for two hours.  Feel free to invite your friends.

Dr. Snider is Professor of Music and Director of Percussion Studies at The University of Akron and is Principal Percussionist with the Akron Symphony Orchestra.  He has built a strong percussion program at Akron and his former students consistently achieve professional success as performers and educators throughout the world.  The percussion program’s most visible and widely acclaimed component is The University of Akron Steel Drum Band.  That’s right — steel drums in Akron!  How did that happen?

Steel drums were first created less than 100 years ago in colonial Trinidad as the people of that country struggled for independence.  Steel drum music was the music of the people and became the source of great conflict.  Authorities seized and destroyed the hand-hammered pans but the Trinidadians immediately rebuilt them.  Steel drum music is now a source of community pride, national identity, and economic development.  Dr. Snider brought steel drums from the tropical Caribbean to the often frigid northeast Ohio in 1980 by creating the University of Akron Steel Drum Band.

WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH TRIAL LAWYERS?  DR. SNIDER TEACHES PERFORMANCE AND HE HAS VALUABLE LESSONS FOR US.  This is a rare opportunity to see a charismatic and tremendously talented artist share his gifts.

I hope to see you there.

Professor Cole

To learn more about Dr. Snider, visit http://www3.uakron.edu/music/faculty/assets/snider.html.

To learn about Hammer on Steel, a PBS documentary about the development of steel drums and their unlikely journey to Akron, Ohio, visit https://www.uakron.edu/artscollege/hammer-on-steel.dot?host_id=1.