Confidential Sounding Board

Akron Law has a Confidential Sounding Board available to you!

Prof. Kani Harvey Hightower serves as a sounding board for you to confidentially discuss any issues you may have, positive or negative, personal or otherwise. She is happy to point you in the right direction, or simply lend an ear!

Sounding Board office hours are Wednesdays from 12:30 – 3:30 and 6:15 – 7:45 in room 232 (upper level of the atrium). You can also reach Prof. Hightower at, or at the new Confidential Sounding Board hotline: 330-972-5345. This number will reach Prof. Hightower at any time, and if she is unavailable to answer, please leave a message so that she can return your call as soon as she is able.

 Hightower Quote

Room Availability During Exam Week

In an effort to provide more study space for students, we are making available to you the times that each of our classrooms is available for your use. There will be no official process by which you will be able to reserve these rooms, and availability is subject to change without notice. Additionally, if you choose to study in one of these rooms, please be out by the time it is marked as unavailable (blacked out). If needed, the Dean’s Office may need to ask you to leave a classroom at any time.

Please note: This is informational only. We will not reserve classrooms for study use. If you find one that is available and empty, you are welcome to use it. You must, however, vacate the room in plenty of time before it is marked as unavailable.

The sheet for each room will also be posted at the door of the classroom, and every effort will be made to update the sheets posted at the door. The copy that is posted here will not be updated, so please defer to the sheets posted at each door.  Please click on the link below to view the room availability sheets.

Exam Time and Study Time availability sheets

Technology update: system now stable

The University’s technology network is stable and functioning as it should. We have been able to fix issues and stabilize the technology, including the wired and wireless networks and Springboard.

Given the complexity of our computing environment, it is possible that problems could linger. If you encounter any issues while using the University’s technology, please contact the Support Center at ext. 6888 as soon as possible.

You also can follow our technology services on the IT Status Page.

Technology fixes: A progress report from Jim Sage, VP Information Technology Services/CIO

Your concerns with the state of technology at The University of Akron are concerns we share. When problems occur, we work as quickly and as long as necessary to find and fix the problem.

Network connection and performance issues have been particularly frustrating for us.
We have:

  • Brought Cisco engineers to campus to help us diagnose their system.
  • Modified the firewall to better ensure easy connection.
  • Replaced a defective network component to improve network performance across campus.

Springboard problems, while not related to the network issues, are something else we’re working on. The connection and stability problems did not originate with the University and required the vendor, Desire2Learn, to provide a fix. That fix has been applied and we’re monitoring Springboard to ensure it worked.

There may be some problems that linger; please continue to contact the Support Center at ext. 6888 with any issues, questions, or concerns. As soon as we are aware of a problem, we will move immediately to address it. If you are not satisfied with the resolutions we put in place, please feel free to contact me at

You also can follow our technology services on the IT Status Page.

I personally apologize for the less than acceptable service level,

Jim Sage, VP Information Technology Services/CIO

Wireless connections improve; we need your help to identify lingering problems

From the University’s “ZipMail: eNEWS for students”:

Wireless connections have improved, thanks to changes made to the underlying hardware and software. However, some users continue to see some lingering problems, such as difficulties connecting to the network, dropped connections and slow speeds.

We need your help to find and fix these issues. When you experience problems, contact the Support Center immediately at 330-972-6888. The best time to call is when you are experiencing the problem. It will help us identify the location, the hardware, the time of day and other factors that will help us track down the problem.

With your help, we can continue to improve the network. Contact the Support Center at 330-972-6888.