Gay/Straight Law Alliance: Call for Officers

GSLA is seeking an executive board for 2015-2016. If you are interested, please email Mary Beth Clemons at

GSLA strives to provide the law school community with a forum in which students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni may come together to discuss legal issues relevant to gay, bisexual, and trans-gendered people. GSLA is also committed to supporting community organizations with similar goals as well as providing educational resources to the school of law community.

In the coming year, GSLA hopes to

  • assess University and Law School policies for LGBT equality and inclusivity
  • take part in LGBT community events, the first of which will be the Game Change 2 conference, which GSLA hopes to assist CANAPI in spreading the word
  • provide opportunities for community service/pro bono service to LGBT community organizations
  • assist the law school admissions team with recruiting LGBT students

If you are interested in becoming an officer or signing up for GSLA’s new email-list, please email Mary Beth at

Room Availability During Exam Week

In an effort to provide more study space for students, we are making available to you the times that each of our classrooms is available for your use. There will be no official process by which you will be able to reserve these rooms, and availability is subject to change without notice. Additionally, if you choose to study in one of these rooms, please be out by the time it is marked as unavailable (blacked out). If needed, the Dean’s Office may need to ask you to leave a classroom at any time.

Please note: This is informational only. We will not reserve classrooms for study use. If you find one that is available and empty, you are welcome to use it. You must, however, vacate the room in plenty of time before it is marked as unavailable.

The sheet for each room will also be posted at the door of the classroom, and every effort will be made to update the sheets posted at the door. The copy that is posted here will not be updated, so please defer to the sheets posted at each door.  Please click on the link below to view the room availability sheets.

Exam Time and Study Time availability sheets

Reminder for GRADUATES

Reminder if you plan to walk at commencement: Please purchase your regalia from the Polsky bookstore ASAP.


If you are borrowing your regalia from a 2009-2014 Akron Law grad, please turn in the hood to me no later than 5pm on Friday, April 24th.

Please contact me directly with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you,

Anthony Colucci
Asst. Dir., Admissions

Today’s the Day!

Today is the last day of the fundraiser designed around Professor Huhn’s retirement walk and celebration.  If you have not made your donation to Students Embracing a Legacy’s online fundraiser, today is your last chance.

They have raised over $3,200 and would like to take that number as high as possible before the campaign closes.  Please visit to make your donation and support Professor Huhn’s wish to raise money for the law school.