Federalist Society Meeting – Thu., August 26, 2010, 1 pm, W-206

Attention Conservative and Libertarian law students. Come join the Federalist Society for its first organizational meeting of the year on – Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 1 pm in W-206. FREE FOOD WILL BE SERVED. Come learn what the Federalist Society is all about, as told by the Akron Chapter’s founder. We’ll also discuss upcoming events and ways new students can get involved. Contact Jeremy Burkhart at jdb72@zips.uakron.edu for more information.

2010-2011 Scholarship Application Now Available

The 2010-11 School of Law Scholarship application is available here:


Deadline to apply: October 1, 2010

Scholarship awards will likely be distributed in February 2011 for fall 2010 and spring 2011.

Questions?   Please contact Assistant Dean Thorpe at LThorpe@uakron.edu

Street Law Volunteers Needed

The Akron Bar Association is looking for volunteers for Street Law.  Street Law is an award-winning, law-related outreach program in Summit County high schools.  The Akron Bar Association Street Law Committee has partnered with area schools, the University of Akron School of Law and various community organizations and government offices to establish Street Law as a high school elective course.  As a volunteer, you will serve as a resource to the teachers teaching Street Law.  You will be in contact with the teacher you are assigned to and may be asked general questions or to come and help teach a class.  Through this you will gain valuable networking experience by working closely with the attorneys who are assigned as resources as well.  If interested, please e-mail streetlaw@akronbar.org.

Student Venture Fund – Applications Now Being Accepted

Student Venture Fund at the University of Akron seeking members

 Interested in entrepreneurship?  Have experience with starting a business or community project?  The Student Venture Fund at the University of Akron is seeking qualified, enthusiastic graduate students for the upcoming school year.  ALL BACKGROUNDS ARE WELCOME! 

 The Student Venture Fund is part of a campus-wide focus on entrepreneurship and economic development in Northeast Ohio.   Our organization provides pre-seed funding to start-ups through the process of due diligence evaluation.  Our goal is to provide synergistic links between the university, business communities and entrepreneurs for the purpose of education and economic development in the region. 

 Interested graduate students should apply online at: http://tinyurl.com/svfapply

 Once the management team has reviewed your application, we will contact you directly to conduct an interview.

 For more information, please visit our website, http://www.uakron.edu/research/svf , or contact us by email, uasvfund@gmail.com.

Akron Bar Golf Outing – Enter to Win a FREE Pass!

Register and enter a drawing to participate in the Akron Bar golf outing next Monday, June 28. E-mail Sue Staats (staats@uakron.edu) in the Office of External Programs no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 24 to enter the drawing.

 Akron Bar Association Golf Outing

Join the Celebration of a Successful Year!

 Monday, June 28th

Fairlawn Country Club

200 N. Wheaton Rd., Akron 

  •       Nine-hole Best Ball Scramble in the morning
  •       Eighteen hole two-person tournament in the afternoon
  •       Tennis tournament
  •       Bocce Ball
  •       Full pool access throughout the day
  •       Picnic lunch
  •      Evening cocktail party with music & heavy hors d’oeuvres

 Fun for everyone!