Exposing the CO2 Monster: Why Man-Made Climate Change is a Lie

When: February 23, 12:15
Where: L-165
Sponsor: Akron Law Federalist Society

Dr. William Soon, respected astrophysicist at Harvard, will give his alternative theory as to what is causing climate change: sunspot activity. Dr. Soon will lay out the popular CO2 argument and his counterargument. After his address, Dr. Soon will take questions from the audience. All are welcome to attend. Food will be provided.

Akron Bar Foundation Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

The Akron Bar Foundation is now accepting applications for its annual scholarship awards.

The Akron Bar Foundation provides scholarships to law students based on grade point average, affiliation with Summit County, history of community involvement, and financial need.

Applications must be postmarked no later than Thursday, April 8, 2010. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered for an award. Qualified applicants will be contacted to arrange for an interview, which will take place during the last week of April.

Click here to download the application, and click here to read the scholarship award guidelines.

Ohio State Bar Association Offering Free Student Memberships

The Ohio State Bar Association offers a free associate membership for law school students. Student members receive employment assistance; networking opportunities; Casemaker, OSBA’s online legal research tool that is free for all members, even after law school; Ohio Lawyer Magazine; OSBA Insurance Program and much more. Students are also encouraged to join OSBA sections and commitees that focus on specific areas of the law. The OSBA provides students with valuable connections and opportunities that will help you throughout law school and your career.

For more information and to register for your free membership, please visit the OSBA Web site at www.ohiobar.org.