Scholarship Opportunity: Howard Fox Memorial Scholarship

In 1978 the Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship Fund was established by Helen and Richard Fox and Friends to honor the memory of their son who, as a proud member of the Berks County Bar Association, served as a young attorney in the Public Defender’s Office.

The Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship Award of $3,000 is presented annually at the Berks County Bar Association Law Day Event.  It is given to help fund a deserving Berks County, Pennsylvania, resident embarking on his or her second year at an accredited Law School.

In June 2000, the Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship Fund was transferred to the Berks County Community Foundation to manage and administer.

The Berks County Community Foundation is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to develop, manage and distribute funding to meet existing and emerging community needs.  Through permanent endowments created from charitable gifts, the Community Foundation makes grants from the earnings of the endowment.  By keeping the principal balance of the funds intact and spending only earnings, the Community Foundation ensures a lasting and stable vehicle for the support and development of Berks County.

Eligible students may consult for an on-line application for the Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship.  Completed applications must be submitted to Berks County Community Foundation between January 15th and April 1st.

If you have any questions regarding this scholarship, please contact Leta Doganes at

Writing Competition – Entry Deadline is Dec. 31

The Court of Federal Claims Bar Association is pleased to announce its 2009 Law Student Writing Competition. All students enrolled in your school are eligible to participate in this competition. The winning entries will receive cash prizes and an opportunity to be published via the Association’s website. Entries may address any topic that lies within the procedure, substance, or scope of the jurisdiction of the Unites States Court of Federal Claims. Papers prepared for class work may be submitted in accordance with the Competition’s rules.

We request your assistance to ensure that your students receive notice of this competition. To that end, we respectfully request that you post the attached announcement of our 2009 Law Student Writing Competition on your school’s website and distribute this announcement by any other means you deem appropriate. The rules of the contest are posted on the Association’s website at:

Entry deadline is December 31, 2009. Please contact me if you have any questions; I can be reached at


Bryant G. Snee
2009 CFC Bar Association Law Student Writing Competition

Business Law Writing Competition


The JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & SECURITIES LAW is now accepting submissions for the Elliot A. Spoon Business Law Writing Competition. Submit a journal style article on any current topic concerning business or securities law.

The Elliot A. Spoon Business Law Writing Competition is designed to encourage business law scholarship by upper-level law students nationwide.

The selected winner will receive a check in the amount of $500.00 by mail, contingent on receipt of a signed publication contract. The winner will be notified by April 7, 2010 via email.


The competition is open to any law student of an ABA accredited law school. Submit (1.) an electronic copy of the article in Word or Rich Text format, (2.) a brief abstract or cover letter about your article, and (3.) your curriculum vitae with complete contact information.

Submit all items to

Prize: $500.00 & article publication

Deadline: March 5, 2010 (11:59p.m. EST)

Journal of Business & Securities Law
Michigan State University
Law College Building
East Lansing, MI 48824

Assistance Requested With Admissions Open House – January 9, 2010

The Admissions Office is seeking law students to assist with our January Open House on Saturday, January 9, 2010.

Volunteers are requested as follows:  

Check-In and Welcome – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: One or two students are needed to assist with check-in of our guests. This will involve distributing information packets, shaking hands, smiling, and being friendly.  

Building Tours – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Several students are needed to guide 20-minute building tours before the panel discussion. If you have never given a tour of the building before, don’t worry – I will provide you with notes to help you along.  

Student/Alumni Panel – 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm: A mix of full-time and part-time students is needed for a 30-minute panel discussion about life as a law student. Most of the people in attendance at this event will be applying for admission to the fall 2010 entering class, so their level of familiarity with law school will likely be fairly low. This panel is about the basics – how much do you study per week, where do you live, how does law school affect your relationship with your wife/husband/family, what you like about law school, what you don’t like, etc. Each panelist will have 3-5 minutes to speak individually, and there will be approximately 5-10 minutes for questions from the audience.  

If you are available to help, please e-mail me ( at your earliest opportunity with the following information:
1.         Your name
2.         Your student ID number (check the back of your ZIPCard if you don’t know it)
3.         Your mailing address (don’t forget city, state, and ZIP code)
4.         Your preferred phone number
5.         Your preferred e-mail address
6.         Your division (full-time day, part-time day, or part-time evening)
7.         Your year (1, 2, 3, or 4)
8.         IMPORTANT: Whether you want to be a tour guide, a panelist, or both

The Admissions Office has historically received a tremendous amount of support from the student body for our events. Your continued assistance is extremely important in making these open houses successful. Thank you so much for your help, and we appreciate your support!

Writing Competition – NYSBA Animals and the Law Student Writing Competition


The Committee on Animals and the Law of the New York State Bar Association is very pleased to announce the Third Annual Student Writing Competition. The deadline for submission is June 15, 2010.

The Committee on Animals and the Law was established to provide information resources for the New York State Bar Association’s members and the public about non-human, animal related humane issues, which arise from and have an effect upon our legal system. This competition seeks to foster legal scholarship among law students in the area of animals and the law. This competition provides law students with an incentive and opportunity to learn more about this area of law.

Law students (which include J.D., L.L.M., Ph.D., and S.J.D. candidates) are invited to submit to the Committee on Animals and the Law an article concerning any area of Animal Law. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of attorneys and other professionals practicing or otherwise involved in animal law. The winner will be chosen in accordance with the attached rules. The first place winner will receive $1,000 and a certificate of achievement. The second place winner will receive $500 and a certificate of achievement.


Topic: Any topic on Animal Law.

Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration, the submission must be written by a student currently enrolled (full time or part time) in an ABA-accredited law school. Students expecting to receive their degree in 2010 are eligible for consideration. The submission must be written by one and only one student, i.e., papers jointly written by more than one student or that have been subjected to line editing by professors or advisors shall not be considered. No paper that has been previously published in any form shall be considered.

Deadline: Papers must be postmarked no later than June 15, 2010.

Award Criteria: Written submissions will be judged based on quality, clarity, originality, and organization. All essays must also meet the following criteria:

Length: Type written, double spaced, no less than 12 point Times New Roman font, on 8 ½ inch by 11 inch paper, with 1 inch margins, and no more than 25 pages, including footnotes. Footnotes should be single spaced, and no less than 10 point font.

Format: One hard copy of the written submission and one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format on a disk or CD must be submitted by mail,
postmarked no later than June 15, 2010, and addressed to:

Kim Hojohn, Liaison
Committee on Animals and the Law
New York State Bar Association
One Elk Street
Albany, NY 12207

Cover Page: Entrants must submit a cover page indicating the submitter’s name, law school, expected year of graduation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.

Prizes Awarded: 1st place: $1,000 and a certificate of achievement
2nd place: $500 and a certificate of achievement