Firefighters, Sotomayor, and Civil Rights: Was Ricci Decided Correctly?

On Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 12:05 pm in L-165, the Akron Law Federalist Society will host a debate on whether the Supreme Court case, Ricci v. Destefano, was decided correctly. Greg Coleman, lead counsel for the plaintiffs will debate Denny Thompson and Christy Bishop, Akron Law alumni who wrote amicus briefs on behalf of the defendants.

Food will be provided.

Municipal Court Judicial Candidate Open Forum – Oct. 9, 5 pm

BLSA is sponsoring a Municipal Court Judicial Candidate Open Forum on Friday, Oct. 9, 2009 in room L-165 from 5-8 pm.  All of the Akron Municipal Court incumbant judges and the other candidates will be there to answer questions that students have about the candidates, their experience, their community service, etc. At-large city council candidates have also been invited.  They will all be running in the election on Nov. 3, 2009.

Food will be provided.

DTP’s “Support a Soldier” Project

Delta Theta Phi will be conducting the program entitled “Support A Soldier” throughout the remainder of the school year.  Through the not-for-profit group “Adopt A Soldier,” DTP has adopted a platoon stationed overseas in Iraq.  DTP will be sending monthly care packages to the platoon, and this month’s package will have a Halloween theme.  Look for the collection bin in front of the DTP office every Monday of every week to drop off donations.  A package will then be sent every month following the last Monday of the month.  The final collection day for this month will be Monday, October 26, 2009.

Everyone can participate!  Suggested items include:

snacks, personal hygiene items, blankets, comforters, white socks, laundry detergent, sporting goods, cough drops, footpowder, gel insoles for boots, bars of soap, stick deodorant, sunscreen, chapstick, baby wipes, dry shampoo, q tips, dryer sheets, eye drops, odd postcards, magazines, old electronic equipment

Themed items – candy-corn (the orange and yellow Halloween candy), “tasteful” Halloween masks/apparell

We cannot pack: aerosol cans, aspirin (as it is a blood thinner, but tylenol or ibuprofen are fine), carbonated liquids, anything with obscene or nude material

DTP members and students alike are also encourage to become pen-pals with students stationed overseas.  Simply contact DTP at, and we can help direct you to the information of a soldier not reguarily recieving mail from home.

Help us give back to those who give it all!!

Any questions or concerns may be sent to

***DTP’s involvement in this project is strictly limited to the support of soldiers and the soldiers alone.  The military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy runs contrary to the University’s nondiscrimination policy, and DTP’s involvement in this project does not imply DTP’s endorsement of this policy.  The University of Akron School of Law is an equal education and employment institution.  It is the policy of The University of Akron School of Law that there shall be no discrimination against any individual becuase of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, age, or religion.  The University of Akron School of Law prohibits discrimination on these bases in education, emplyment, admissions, and services to graduates.  This nondiscrimination policy applies to all activities and programs and to all faculty, staff, and students.***

Blood Mobile, Chipotle Gift Card!

Please consider donating blood next Wednesday, October 7th, between noon and 4pm at the Red Cross Blood Mobile parked outside of the Law School.  Each donor will receive a $7 Chipotle Gift Card. To schedule an appointment go to and enter sponsor code: uakron. Due to the fact that the drive is on the bus we will be taking walk-ins as the schedule permits. To guarantee a spot, schedule an appointment please!

Thank you all so much and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Justine Scanlon Winger
PAD Grant Chapter Justice