William A. McClain Scholarship – Deadline is February 19, 2014

The Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati (BLAC) awards the William A. McClain Scholarship each year to a Black student and Hamilton County, Ohio* resident attending any ABA accredited law school who demonstrates leadership potential and dedication to community.

Please assist us by notifying students who may be eligible.  The application, scholarship description, and other information may be found at the BLAC website – www.cincyBLAC.org.  Applications must be received by e-mail by 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, February 19, 2014.

IT-Lex Writing Contest

Friends of IT-Lex, who are also law students (JD or LLM) in good standing at an ABA accredited law school, can enter our technology law writing contest, sponsored by the law firm Foley & Lardner LLP.  First place will receive $6000.00 USD and the opportunity to speak at the Innovate Conference on October 9-10 of 2014, second place $2,000.00 USD, and third place $1000.00 USD- plus the prize-winners will be published in the IT-Lex Journal, and will receive invitations to become write-on Members of IT-Lex.

The submission deadline is Friday, May 2, 2014.

So, what’s the topic for the contest?  Technology law!  We strongly suggest that you review our content and categories before choosing a topic.  You may submit multiple entries, but only your top-ranked submission will be eligible for prizes.

Submissions must be (1) 5,000-7,500 words including footnotes, (2) in Word format, formatted with double-spaced body text and footnotes rather than endnotes, (3) conformed to the 19th edition of The Bluebook.  For your article to be considered, please make sure all three of these requirement are met.

To enter the writing contest, visit http://it-lex.org/writing-contest/

Sidney B. Williams, Jr. IP law Scholarship

The American Intellectual Property Law Education Foundation awards scholarships to law students from minority groups that are presently under-represented among intellectual property attorneys, through the Sidney B. Williams, Jr. Intellectual Property Law Scholarships. In the last nine years the Foundation has awarded $1,030,000 to assist minority law students studying intellectual property law. Recipients have the opportunity to receive $10,000 a year for three years. Twelve new scholarships were given this year.

Deadline to apply is March 14, 2014

To apply, visit www.aiplef.org

2014 Robert C. Watson Writing Competition

The American Intellectual Property Law Association announces the 2014 Robert C. Watson Writing Competition, which recognizes law students for outstanding articles on IP law.

How to Enter:

Law students are encouraged to submit an article on an IP topic, written on or before june 30, 2014. Judges will consider the merit of the article as a contribution to the knowledge respecting intellectual property and the extent to which it displays original and creative thought or information not previously written or published by the author prior to July 1, 2013. The winner will receive reasonable expense reimbursement to attend the AIPLA Annual Meeting, October 23-25, 2014 in Washington, DC; to receive their award.

To be eligible for consideration, the article must have been written solely by a student or students either in full-time attendance at a law school (day or evening) or prepared in connection with a law school course. The article must be submitted to the American Intellectual Property Law Association on or before June 30, 2014. Papers should be approximately the equivalent of 10 law review pages, including footnotes (30-40 pages typed copy). Submission must be made in PDF or text format. Submission must include the submitter’s name, current address, current telephone number, and employment information, if applicable.

Submit articles to:
American Intellectual Property Law Association
Watson Award Competition

For ore Information, Visit www.aipla.org/resources2

Award: $2,000

Deadline: June 30, 2014