Akron Bar Association Diversity Sidebar Feb. 12

The Akron Bar Association cordially invites all Akron Law students to the Diversity Sidebar: Celebration of Our Future on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at the Association from 5 – 7 PM.

The Student Bar Association encourages all students to attend! Sidebars are the best way to get your foot in the door at the Akron Bar Association and are one of the easiest ways to network with the legal professionals who will be your peers.

Please RSVP by visiting https://akronbar.intouchondemand.com/EventRSVP.aspx?eventid=21810

Bring a friend and stay for a while!

Come Help Our Akron Law Trial Team!

Our team of Akron Law Trial Team Advocates are heading to the regional National Trial Competition in just a few short weeks!  In preparation for the competition, they will be holding practice scrimmage rounds on Saturday and Sunday this weekend, Feb. 1 and 2.  They will be running two trials each day, one starting at 9 am and the second starting around noon.  They are in need of several witnesses to help out this weekend!!

The National Trial Competition is unique in that our advocates need to train with unprepared and untrained witnesses. The witness will be emailed a copy of the problem to review prior to coming in for trial.  Nothing needs to be memorized or drafted in preparation. Your assigned advocate will meet with you 15 minutes prior to the start of the trial, to go over your testimony with you and inform you as to how they would like you to respond to issues that may come up on cross-examination.

This is a great opportunity to see how our Trial Team program works, get to know the coaches and advocates, and see how a mock trial is run.

You may also receive pro bono hours for volunteering.  Please email Rachel Smick at rls173@zips.uakron.edu if you are interested.


ABA Law Student Division Leadership Team

Join the ABA Law Student Division 2015-2016 Leadership Team 

Visit ambar.org/lsdleadership for the specific eligibility requirements,
nomination/application forms, deadlines, and delivery instructions.

The ABA Law Student Division has numerous leadership positions available either by election or appointment. Among the many opportunities and benefits, ABA Law Student Division leadership will provide you with:

  • The opportunity to work with law student leaders across the country, including SBA Presidents, ABA Representatives, national law student organization leaders, as well as licensed attorneys and judges;
  • The opportunity to participate in roundtables, debates, and discussions addressing law student issues and concerns;
  • The ability to foster your leadership, diplomacy, and project management skills; and
  • The opportunity to create policy and present legal education issues that affect law students regionally and nationally.

Past leaders have stated that the professional, educational, and personal rewards they gained from their experience as an ABA Law Student Division leader were invaluable. If you enjoy a good challenge and are ready to roll up your sleeves, enhance your leadership experience, and work toward improving the legal education experience of your fellow classmates, then we strongly encourage you to submit your nomination or application for one of the leadership positions outlined below. All candidates must be ABA Law Student Division members in good standing (dues paid in full). Nominations must be signed by your dean and postmarked by the deadline date indicated. Please visit ambar.org/lsdleadershipfor the eligibility requirements, the nomination/application forms, deadlines, and mailing instructions.

Law Student Division Board of Governors positions:

  • Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary-Treasurer: The offices of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer are part of the Division’s Executive Committee and participate in the Division’s overall operations, long-range planning, execution of a legislative agenda, and developing/maintaining ABA membership in the Division. The officers work with the Circuit Governors, Delegates, and Division Liaisons to better serve law student members and work to increase awareness of ABA offerings to law students across the country. Officers are voting members of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Nominations must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2015.
  • Circuit Governor: The (15) circuit governors represent and advocate for law students in their regional circuits. Circuit Governors work with the Division officers, delegates and other ABA leaders to develop and promote ABA programs, offerings, services and initiatives. Circuit Governors also cultivate relationships with other leaders of the legal community in their circuit. Circuit Governors are voting members of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Nominations must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2015.
  • Student Editor for Student Lawyer magazine:
    The student editor works with the editor of Student Lawyer magazine and is responsible for authoring copy for Student Lawyer’s Division Dialogue section and for reviewing magazine copy on a monthly basis. The student editor serves as a non-voting member of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Applications must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2015.

The following positions are appointed and applications must be received via electronic application by 11:59pm on February 15, 2015.

  • Entity Liaisons: The Law Student Division appoints student liaisons to the over 60 ABA specialty practice areas. The Division Liaisons represent the Law Student Division to their appointed ABA specialty practice entity, work with those specialty practice areas to develop law student programs and services, and report to the Division on issues pertaining to law students that arise at entity meetings.
  • National Student Directors: One National Student Director is selected to coordinate the Division’s VITA program while the other four directors are appointed to work with one of the Division’s four competition committees: Arbitration, Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Appellate Advocacy. Travel is required for the competition positions.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any leadership position, please do not hesitate to contact us at LSD-Nominations@americanbar.org or one of the ABA Law Student Division leaders listed at ambar.org/lsddirectory for details.