Fall SBA General Body Meeting

This Thursday November 15th the student bar association will be hosting its fall general body meeting. There will be a meeting from 12:00pm-1:00pm in 180 and 5:00pm-6:00pm in 281. There will be food provided at both meetings.

As a reminder, every student enrolled at Akron Law is a member of the Student Bar Association and is encouraged to attend the meeting.

At the meeting we will be giving updates on some proposed changes to the SBA Constitution, we will give updates on the status of the apparel sale, we will provide an update on this Spring’s Public Interest Fundraiser, and we will be fielding your questions and concerns.

If you cannot attend but would like to pass something along to the SBA leadership, please contact your class representative, or Ashlee James at asm116@zips.uakron.edu

Space Law Network – Travel Grants for Students

The University of Nebraska has received a $250,000 NASA Space Law pilot-program grant to create a nationwide network of students, faculty, and practitioners interested in space law and policy. This Space Law Network will fund legal internships at NASA, as well as bring students from all over the U.S. to numerous national conferences, where they’ll hear from leading scholars. Below, and attached in a PDF, is the information we request you share with your students and networks about the first travel grant opportunity for students from across the country to attend the American Branch of International Law Association’s (ABILA) International Law Weekend, including NASA Space Law Grant activities and the ABILA Space Law Panel.

 NASA Space Law Grant – Travel Grants to ABILA Intl Law Weekend NYC

Student Travel to the International Law Weekend (ILW) of the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA), NYC

The International Law Weekend (ILW) of the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA) will be held in New York City October 18-20, 2018 (https://www.ila-americanbranch.org/). As part of the Space Law Network program, SCT leadership, Professor and Co-Director Matt Schaefer and Executive Director Elsbeth Magilton will be offering a special Introduction to Space Law and Careers sessions:

Friday Oct. 19: 

12:15-1:30  NASA Grant Lunch:  Space Law Careers / What is a Space Lawyer

Saturday Oct. 20: 

12:15-1:30 NASA Grant Lunch:  Space Law Introduction / Space Law 101

1:45-3:15  ABILA Space Law Panel (see agenda in link above)

3:15-4:00PM  Q&A with Gabriel Swinney, Attorney-Advisor, U.S. State Dept. (lead international space lawyer for the U.S. State Department)


The program will provide law students an opportunity to defray the costs of attending both the Introduction to Space Law and Careers session and the ILW through a travel grant, that will disperse as reimbursement for personal expenses, up to the amount of $900 for students from the Pacific Time Zone, $700 for students who are otherwise not able to take a train into NYC (meaning students outside the upper east coast) and $400 for students who are able to take a commuter train. Applications are due 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday October 2 (Central time).


Note that travel grants will also be made available later for the Galloway Symposium in Washington, D.C. taking place Dec. 5, 2018.



  • Student must be a U.S. Citizen to apply for this NASA funding. Documentation must be provided at the time of selection.
  • Student must be a full-time law or undergraduate student attending a law (school) in the fall of 2019
  • Student must have a demonstrated interest in the field of space law.


Business Attire is required for this event.



Link to application portal: https://nespacegrant.infoready4.com/

Enter the information into the application on this site. The quality of the application responses is a major factor in selection. Spend extra time proofreading this document to ensure your essay responses are as complete as possible. Applications will be reviewed and scored with the top-ranked applicants receiving travel grant awards. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.


Applications are due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday Oct 3, 2018 (Central time).


If selected, a travel grant of up to $400-900 will be paid as a reimbursement toward a student’s actual airfare and/or hotel costs. Reimbursement takes place only after successful completion of the travel and the requirements of the award, including a trip report. Awarded students will need to keep copies of original receipts in order to be reimbursed. Reimbursement can only be made to the individual who made the purchase; be sure to purchase your own airfare and hotel.  Reimbursements are subject to federal grant and state university policies and procedures.  If you are uncertain if an airfare or hotel cost may not be eligible for reimbursement, please email nasa.nebraska@unomaha.edu PRIOR to making the purchase. 


Please Use the Following Proposal Information for the Application:

  • Proposal Title: Your Last Name NYC Space Law 2018 (example: Smith NYC Space Law 2018)
  • Start Date: 10/01/18
  • End Date: 12/31/18
  • Faculty Mentor Information: Michaela Lucas, mlucas@unomaha.edu, (402) 554-2686


For Questions about the Application Process and Portal Contact:
Michaela Lucas, mlucas@unomaha.edu, (402) 554-2686

For Questions about ABILA and the Session Curriculum Contact:
Elsbeth Magilton, Elsbeth@unl.edu, (402) 472-1662