ABA Commission on Disability Rights Scholarships

The ABA Commission on Disability Rights will be offering three exciting internship opportunities for law students with disabilities for the summer of 2021, in partnership with leading corporations. All three internships are open to students who will have completed their first year of law school in good standing, and offer a chance for these students to develop their skills and further their careers.

More information can be found on the ABA-CDR website (ambar.org/disability), and at the following pages dedicated to the specific internship opportunities:

Accenture (applications dueJanuary 29, 2021):   https://www.americanbar.org/groups/diversity/disabilityrights/resources/lawstudents/accenture_intern/

Prudential (applications due February 12, 2021):   https://www.americanbar.org/groups/diversity/disabilityrights/resources/lawstudents/aba_prudential_internship/

Microsoft (applications due February 15, 2021):   https://www.americanbar.org/groups/diversity/disabilityrights/resources/lawstudents/msaba-internship/ For further information, please email CDR Staff Director Amy Allbright at amy.allbright@americanbar.org.

Akron Fed Soc Hosts: You Have No Privacy and That’s OK: Putting the Internet Privacy Debate Into Perspective Monday, February 8, 12:15 – 1:15 pm, Webex

The Akron Federalist Society is hosting Professor Daniel Lyons, Boston College Law School, and Attorney Bruce Martino, GOJO Industries, for a debate on internet privacy. The speakers will debate data collection over the internet by technology companies such as Facebook and Google. Given recent Congressional hearings on this topic, and Netflix specials like The Social Dilemma, this discussion is sure to be exciting. We hope to see you there!

WebEx Link: https://bit.ly/2Xg1WZl 

Or go to https://uakron.webex.com/ and enter:

Meeting number (access code): 120 678 0500 Meeting password: FupwnJvB753

National LGBTQ+ Bar Association Scholarships

The National LGBTQ+ Bar has recently launched a scholarship program for LGBTQ+ and ally law students. Three scholarships of $2,500 will be awarded annually; all current and incoming students with a commitment to LGBTQ+ equality are encouraged to apply. Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 school year, and will close on April 1, 2021. In addition, the National LGBTQ+ Bar has added a new resource page to its website listing LGBTQ+ diversity scholarships: https://lgbtbar.org/programs/law-students/scholarship-list/

Akron Federalist Society Spring Welcome Meeting Wednesday, Jan 20, 12:15-1:15pm WebEx

The Akron Federalist Society welcomes all University of Akron students to join our first general body meeting of the semester. At the meeting, we will discuss what the Federalist Society is and what events we have planned for this semester. We will re-introduce this year’s board members and discuss the responsibilities of each position so that those who are interested may consider running for election in April. We will introduce our faculty advisors, Professor Mark Schultz and Judge Ryan Holte, who will share the Federalist Society experiences with us. And we will offer $15 DoorDash gift cards to those who join the org on RooConnect and FedSoc.org. We hope to see you there!

WebEx Link: https://bit.ly/2Lmqopc 

Or go to https://uakron.webex.com/ and enter:

Meeting number (access code): 120 535 1574

Meeting password: Federalist123

National LGBTQ+ Bar Association Scholarships

The National LGBTQ+ Bar has recently launched a scholarship program for LGBTQ+ and ally law students. Three scholarships of $2,500 will be awarded annually; all current and incoming students with a commitment to LGBTQ+ equality are encouraged to apply. Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 school year, and will close on April 1, 2021. In addition, the National LGBTQ+ Bar has added a new resource page to its website listing LGBTQ+ diversity scholarships: https://lgbtbar.org/programs/law-students/scholarship-list/