Wall Street Journal Supreme Court Correspondent to Speak at Akron Law on Health Care

Jess Bravin, the Supreme Court Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, will be speaking at Akron Law on Friday, March 30 at 4 p.m. as part of our Journalism and the Law Lecture Series.

 Jess’ lecture is incredibly timely with the Affordable Care Act going before the Supreme Court over the next three days. His lecture titled “Health Care and the Constitution: The Supreme Court Arguments,” will focus on the future of America’s health care system, the frontiers of federal power, and President Obama’s legacy. Days after covering the historic six-hour argument, Jess will lay out the issues and survey possible outcomes in his lecture.

This lecture is free and open to the public, however registration is required. One hour of free CLE will be offered.

Coeds Go Red Feb. 22

The School of Law, along with the American Heart Association, will host a “Coeds Go Red” luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 11:30 a.m. –  1p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. At the event, a free “heart-healthy” lunch will be served as information about the “Go Red for Women” movement is presented. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in drawings  for prizes including a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card (winners must be present), as well as visit the Macy’s Clinque booth. The lunch is free of charge, however registration is required and participants are encouraged to wear red to show support. To register or obtain more information, visit here or contact Molly Palmer at molly.palmer@heart.org or 330-664-1908.

Professional Responsibility Expert to Visit Akron Law Friday

Thomas D. Morgan, Oppenheim Professor of Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law at The George Washington University Law School will speak at the School of Law this Friday, Oct. 28 at 4 p.m. as part of the Joseph G. Miller and Willliam C. Becker Center for Professional Responsibility Distinguished Lecturer Series. Morgan’s lecture, titled “The Changing Face of Legal Education: Its Impact on What it Means to Be a Lawyer,” will focus on the changes the ABA has proposed in accreditation rules, what difference can be predicted in the kind of graduates produced, and what those differences may make to potential clients and to others who became lawyers under different standards. One hour of free CLE (continuing legal education) credit will be offered. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. This lecture is free and open to the public, however registration is required. To register, call ext. 6363, e-mail manovac@uakron.edu or visit online at http://www.uakron.edu/law/millerbecker/distinguishedlecturerseries.dot . This event is offered with support from the Joseph G. and Sally A. Miller Foundation, Jones Day Foundation and Kenneth L. Calhoun Charitable Trust.