31st Annual Midwest Public Interest Law Career Conference (MPILCC)


All first, second and third year law students at Akron Law are invited to participate in the 31st Annual Midwest Public Interest Law Career Conference (MPILCC) to be held on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law in Chicago. The Conference offers students the opportunity to:

Interview with a variety of public interest and government employers for summer law clerk and entry-level attorney positions (employers will pre-screen resumes and select students to interview). Though most of the opportunities are unpaid or invite outside funding, there are positions that offer a stipend. Since most of the employers come mainly from the Midwest, students may find positions in the communities they seek to serve.

Meet with employers during Table Talk, a morning session where employers and students meet informally and share information. Employers may distribute brochures, newsletters and other organizational literature.
Respond to employer job postings (resume requests) for internships (volunteer or paid), fellowships, and entry-level positions. This service is available throughout the school year at the MPILCC Symplicity.com site to students registered for the MPILCC.

Registration and Fees – The University of Akron School of Law will pay the $300 NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee for all interested students to attend the MPILCC IF we have enough student interest to justify the cost. ANY INTERESTED STUDENTS MUST RSVP TO THE CAREER SERVICES OFFICE BY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 at NOON. Please declare your intention to attend the MPILCC by emailing Assistant Director Bencze at anb77@uakron.edu. We will notify all interested students once we determine if the registration fee will be paid by the CSO. Please note, students will be responsible for their own travel, hotel, and miscellaneous expenses.

Presidential Management Fellowship Application is now open (post-graduate opportunity for 3Ls)

Interested in securing employment with an administrative state or federal agency? Consider applying for the Presidential Management Program (post-grad employment).

The 2019 PMF application opened on Tuesday, October 9th, and will close at Noon (Eastern Time), Monday, October 22nd, 2018.  Applicants can search for “Presidential Management Fellows” on USAJOBS, at www.USAJOBS.gov, or visit https://pmf.gov/become-a-pmf/2019-application.aspx.   Applicants do not need a USAJOBS user account to apply. If you need any assistance, contact Career Services!

On-campus interview with Ogletree Deakins – deadline extended

Ogletree, Deakins (Cleveland) will be on campus on Friday, October 26th to interview for a 2019 summer associate.

Classes:  2L

Submit Resume, Cover Letter, and Transcript via email to Asst. Dean O’Brien: ab139@uakron.edu no later than Wed. 10/10 at NOON.

Preferred Criteria: Top 25%, 3.2 or higher GPA, Law Journal, Moot Court/Mock Trial & Interest in Labor and Employment Law.