AKRON LAW HAVE YOUR SAY! SELS/SBA Event With Cavs General Counsel

Come to the SELS/SBA “Have Your Say” event today, Thursday Sept. 10 from 12:15-1:15 in the law school atrium! We will be hosting Mr. Jason Hillman, General Counsel of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Mr. Hillman will provide insight on what it’s like being General Counsel of the Cavs, and how he uses his law degree from day to day. Olive garden will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.

Dean’s Suite Fall Office Hours

The Dean’s Suite Fall 2015 office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm. The Office of Students Services will be available from 8:00am – 6:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are happy to schedule personal student meetings after 5:00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday by appointment. Please email lawstudentservices@uakron.edu to schedule an appointment.

Students may pick-up elevator keys, documents and student organization keys after hours at the Circulation Desk of the law library.

Important Ohio Bar Reminder for the February 2016 Bar Exam

If you want to take the February 2016 Bar Exam, the deadline for LATE Application to Register as a Candidate for the February 2016 Bar Examination is Monday, August 17, 2015.

Please visit the Supreme Court of Ohio Bar Admissions website for further information on registering as a Candidate for Admission: http://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/AttySvcs/admissions/application/default.asp.

If you need anything from Law Student Services, please contact Mary Cooke right away at mec@uakron.edu.

Akron Law Mentors

We hope your summer is going well!

We are preparing to welcome our new 1L members of Akron Law the week of August 24, and we need your help.  We have a large class of students starting law school this year.  You have been through one or more years of law school, and your experience is invaluable to someone just starting law school.

Please consider being a mentor.  It will not take a lot of your time.  The main purpose is for you to be there for a new 1L to call, someone they can talk to when they arrive.

Though would like to have mentors attend the Orientation Dinner on August 24, 5:30 – 8:00 pm to meet their mentee if possible, you may be a mentor without attending the dinner.

With the larger class of incoming students, we need nearly all of our upper division students to be a mentor. If you are considering whether or not to be a mentor and have any questions, please contact Assistant Dean Ivy Banks at ikw1@uakron.edu.

Please email Mary Cooke at mec@uakron.edu if you can be a mentor, and also whether you can attend the Orientation Dinner.  Thank you!