CQE Clinic Volunteer Training – Friday, September 26, from 4:15-5:30

Our next free Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE) clinic is Saturday, September 27th! We’re very excited to be providing opportunities for ex-offenders in Summit County to take a step toward gaining employment and independence!

We are looking for students to volunteer from 1:30p-5:00p on Saturday, September 27th. The clinic will be held at the First Apostolic Faith Church, 790 Easter Avenue, Akron, OH 44307.The time you volunteer can be applied toward your graduation requirement as pro bono limited means hours.

There will be a volunteer training on Friday, September 26, 4:15-5:30p at the law school. The time you’re at training will count toward your pro bono limited means hours as well.

If you’re interested in volunteering or have any questions, please e-mail Sarah at smw87@zips.uakron.edu. You can also learn more about the clinic at our website: http://www.uakron.edu/law/clinical/cqe-clinic.dot.

LET GO OF THE STRESS!! Upcoming University Intramural Sports Deadlines

Deadlines are fast approaching for the first Intramural Sports activities of the semester.

• Registration for flag football and softball closes on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Flag football offers men’s, women’s, co-rec, fraternity, sorority and freshmen-only leagues. The cost is $50 per team and is offered Monday through Thursday evenings.
• The Co-Rec Softball Tournament costs $40 per team and will be held all day on Saturday, Sept. 13.
All registration takes place online via IMLeagues.com/UAkron. Please contact the OASIS Office with any questions at ext. 6956 or intramurals@uakron.edu.

Important Bar Reminder- Attention 2nd Year Full-Time & Part-Time Students



November 17 Deadline: Timely Application to Register as a Candidate for Admission to the Practice of Law (for applicants in the second year of law school)


Ohio Bar Admissions REQUIRES ALL students in their 2nd year of law school to submit an Application to Register as a Candidate for Admission to the Practice of Law by November 17, 2014.

The Ohio Bar Certificate of Dean must be included with your application.  The Office of Student Services will prepare your Certificate of Dean Packet which will include the Certificate of Dean, an official fingerprint card, and an official transcript (if we have two copies on file) and the packet will be ready for pick up on October 14, 2014 at the front desk. 


Please refer to The Supreme Court of Ohio’s website for other Important Dates and Deadlines located at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/AttySvcs/admissions/calendar.asp.


It is very important that you check the Akron Law Announcements Blog located at www.blogs.uakron.edu/law for Important Reminders and Announcements.


Plan to take the bar in another state? Contact the State Bar Admissions Office for more information.

Questions?  Please feel free to contact Director of Student Services Ivy Banks at  ikw1@uakron.edu

or College Program Specialist Terri Bisesi at  tbisesi@uakron.edu.