Centennial Keynote Presentation

School of Law Dean C.J. Peters cordially invites you to the Centennial Keynote Presentation.

Featuring The Honorable Joan L. Larsen, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circut.

Saturday October 23, 2021.

5:30-6:30 P.M.

E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall 198 Hill ST., Akron, OH 44325.

Register by 5 p.m. on October 18.

RSVP online here

Free indoor parking will be available at E.J. Thomas.

For the saftey and enjoyment of all, guests are asked to abide by the University’s indoor masking policy.

Questions? Email Isales@uakron.edu

Animal Law

Interested in Animal Law?

Akron Law’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) is a student organization providing a forum for education, advocacy, and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system. Animal Law is a growing field consisting of many areas. It involves companion animals, wildlife, entertainment, research, food production, trafficking, animal cruelty, and more. While some attorneys pursue full-time Animal Law work, many work in other areas but devote time to Animal Law related causes through pro bono work.

If you would like to learn more about this growing area of law, please complete this short survey to express your interest and provide ideas for future events. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C6K7PQ8.

Volunteers Needed!! Ohio Supreme Court Off-Site Visit


As part of the Akron Law Centennial Celebration, The Ohio Supreme Court will be holding off-site arguments at The University of Akron on Tuesday, Oct. 26 and Wednesday, Oct. 27.  We need approximately 15 volunteers each day to serve in a variety of roles while the court is on campus.  Volunteers will be needed in 2-hour increments between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day.  Volunteers will earn community service hours!!

Please complete the survey below to let us know if you are available to volunteer!


Questions? – contact Law Student Affairs (lawstudentaffairs@uakron.edu)

Law Association for Women

Law Association for Women Apparel Sale 

Our LAW apparel sale has started! Below is the order form. We will collect orders in person at the Women in Law Lunch  Panel and virtually. Orders can be sent virtually to Emily Towers using VENMO (Emily-towers-1) and EMAIL (ect25@uakron.edu). All orders should go to Emily Towers.

Please reach out to any LAW officer for any questions you may have. 

Law Association for Women is a registered student organization at The University of Akron. Registration shall not be construed as approval, endorsement, or sponsorship by The University of Akron of the student organization’s publications, activities, purposes, actions, or positions.