General Interest

Live date for catalog refresh now January 3rd

The go live date for the new catalog is being reset for January 3rd, 2018. A number of factors went into the decision to delay roll out. The later date allows time for the Material Type project to be completed, some issues brought up in the feedback process to be addressed, more robust testing done with the students in the fall, and announcements to be sent to the Digest to give patrons notification of the change.

We are working through the feedback gathered from the online form and the feedback meeting held at the end of spring semester. Updates will be announced on the Staff portal and at library meetings. The new catalog will go live on January 3rd, and a link to the old catalog will be available for one week only while we check for any problems.

Please contact Melanie Mc if you have any questions or concerns. or x5390.

General Interest Professional Development Science & Technology Library

Marilia Attended Review Workshop

Marilia Antúnez, Life & Allied Health Sciences Librarian 

In July 2017, Marilia Antúnez attended a systematic review workshop at the University of Pittsburgh.  To learn more about her experience, check out her blog for the GMR (Greater Midwest Chapter of the NNLM).  See

What an Inspiring Opportunity, Marilia!



Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

McGurr Keeping Busy

Melanie McGurr, Ph.D., Head, Electronic Services

Melanie McGurr has been actively participating in professional activities.  She presented “Challenges and Opportunities: One Academic Library, Seven Hospitals and a Consortial Move“ with Demetria Patrick from NEOMED at ALA Annual in Chicago for the ALCTS Catalog Form and Function Committee.

She also joined the ALA Library Leadership and Management Association’s (LLAMA) Systems and Services Committee for a three-year term and recently started a one-year term as an ALCTS Mentor for a new librarian at a health sciences library.

Closer to home, Melanie is currently serving on The University of Akron Talent Development and Human Resources Committee.

Way to keep busy, Melanie!




General Interest Science & Technology Library

Ian McCullough Published

Ian McCullough, Physical Sciences Librarian and Interim Head, S & T Library

Ian McCullough wrote a chapter with Jo Ann Calzonetti, “Are They Different? An Investigation of Space and Learning in a STEM Branch Library” which has been published in Assessing Library Space for Learning, edited by Susan Montgomery and published by Roman & Littlefield (2017).

In addition, Ian also wrote a non-refereed article reflecting on his trip to the ACS convention for ACS Axial: “Reflecting on My Experience as an ACS Librarian Travel Grant Winner”

Link here –

Nice work, Ian!

General Interest

Archives Provides Photographic Support

Goodyear Wingfoot players in November 1950.CreditJoe E. Falcone, via Archival Services, The University of Akron Libraries

You may have read an email recently providing a link to a New York Times article on basketball, specifically:  An N. B. A. Throwback: Ads on Jerseys

The article details a history of basketball and uniform sponsorship throughout the years with photographic support from Archival Services, The University of Akron Libraries.

Please go to:

Take note of the numerous photos provided by Archival Services.  Nice work!





Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Ashby & Monaco Present

Susan Ashby, Electronic Services

Mike Monaco, Coordinator, Cataloging Services, Electronic Services

On May 23rd, Susan Ashby and Mike Monaco presented “It takes a village (and a lot of documentation) : managing electronic resources,” at the 2017 Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians conference at Xavier University in Cincinnati.

Nice teamwork!


Electronic Services General Interest

EJC scheduled maintenance, 31 May

OhioLINK will be using their regular maintenance window next Wednesday, May 31, from 5am to 7am, to complete scheduled maintenance on the Electronic Journal Center.

There will be associated downtime with this maintenance. OhioLINK expects the outage to last 30-60 minutes during this period.

Design & Development Services General Interest Professional Development

Kaufman selected for OTNSI

Steve Kaufman from the University Libraries’ Design and Development Services has been selected to participate in the Open Textbook Network Summer Institute and Summit as one of our regional OhioLINK representatives. He will be part of a state-wide leadership team promoting the use of open texts and open educational resources. Seven regional reps will be attending the institute, and when they return will provide excellent coverage for train-the-trainer workshops and related activities in support of this initiative.

See more about OhioLINK’s OTN intiative.
See more about how institutions, including UA, are promoting textbook affordability.

Center for the History of Psychology Cummings Center for the History of Psychology General Interest Professional Development

Newhall – Merit Award & Speaking Event

Jamie Newhall and Jon Endres

James  Newhall
Instructional Services
Sr Multi-Media Producer

Jamie Newhall, Instructional Services, and Jon Endres, who works part-time in Psychology Archives, received the 2017 Society of Ohio Archivists Merit Award at the SOA Annual Meeting on Friday, May 19 for their work on the wire recorder project.  According to the website, the Award is given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year. For more info:

They were also presenters at TEDxAkron 2017 on Saturday, May 20th, 2017 at the recently refurbished Goodyear Theater.  According to the TEDxAkron website, TEDx expands TED, a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, beyond its annual conference by seeding smaller, independent events throughout the nation, called TEDx. TEDxAkron emulates the spirit and ideals of the TED Conference.  For more info:

Well Done, Jamie & Jon!





Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco OLC Presentation

Mike Monaco

Electronic Services

Coordinator, Cataloging Services,

Mike Monaco presented “Fifty shades of genre” and “Respect your authorities” at the OLC Northwest Chapter conference at Bowling Green State University on May 12, 2017.

Well done, Mike!