Electronic Services

New SharePoint: Permissions

Systems has begun reviewing and updating user access and permissions for all sites on the new UL SharePoint.  We hope to have the work done on or before 5/21/2014. In the meantime, if discover you need access to and/or read write/permissions to a specific site, please submit a Footprints ticket at:

Electronic Services General Interest UAL Technical Services Committee

Webinar on Linked Data–June 2

Join OCLC’s Ted Fons and colleagues
for a free webinar:

Tracing the Evolution of Linked Data

An OCLC Collective Insight Event: Tracing the Evolution of Linked Data
Monday, June 2, 1:00 – 2:00 pm, Eastern Time

Five years ago linked data was introduced to the library community as a powerful technology with great promise for libraries, visionary but abstract. In the years since, what was a buzzword has become a fixture in our lexicon. Yet as our understanding of the technology has progressed and solidified, we still struggle to identify the specific benefits of linked data within our individual institutions. Join OCLC’s Ted Fons, Corey Harper of New York University, and Phil Schreur of Stanford University as they trace the evolution of linked data technology over the years, and demonstrate practical applications of the latest linked data technologies being utilized in libraries today.

Ted will introduce the topic and provide a brief overview on the evolution of linked data; Corey and Phil will dig deeper with specific examples that will help illustrate this evolution.

Corey will discuss next steps for LOD-LAM (Linked Open Data for Libraries & Museums), exploring tools and techniques to process, enrich and aggregate metadata. He will touch on recent developments, especially focused on efforts within the Hydra and Blacklight community and in the user groups for the Ex Libris product suite. Corey will give special attention to the need for use cases and experimentation.

Phil will speak on Linked Data for Libraries, a promising new grant created through a partnership among Cornell, Harvard and Stanford universities. The project goal is creation of a Scholarly Resource Semantic Information Store (SRSIS) model that works both within the individual institutions and through a coordinated, extensible network of linked open data. Phil will discuss the choice of BIBFRAME as the common data format for this project and conversion to BIBFRAME from MARC data.

Register for this webinar >> 

Access Services

Course Reserves Mailing List

Update: I corrected the broken link. If you are interested in signing up, the one below should now work correctly.

I’m starting an Opt-In Mailing list for Course Reserves, which will send out reminders at the beginning and end of the semester. The emails will remind instructors of good times to request course reserve books, and maybe I’ll send information about cool copyright updates.

If you or your instructors are interested, please sign up here:

Dean's Office General Interest

PreFinals Week Schedule


Monday, April 28

When Where What
All Day Lobby/Einstein’s Legos/Puzzles
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break


Tuesday, April 29

When Where What
All Day Lobby/Einstein’s Legos/Puzzles
11am-12pm Bierce 168 Meditation Lesson
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break
8pm- Bierce PB& J Deli


Wednesday, April 30

When Where What
All Day Lobby/Einstein’s Legos/Puzzles
11am- 3pm Lobby Therapy Dogs
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break


Thursday, May 1

When Where What
All Day Lobby/Einstein’s Legos/Puzzles
11am-12pm Bierce 168 Meditation Lesson
5-7pm Lobby Chair Massages
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break


Sign up here to volunteer to help with the Therapy Dogs: 

Wednesday’s Therapy Dogs Schedule:

Christine & Sophie (Golden Retriever Mix) 11-12:30

Marisa & Vinnie (Dachshund) 11-1

Rhea & Clark (Bullmastiff) 12-2

Christin & Gracie (Newfoundland) 1-3


Electronic Services

New SharePoint site!

If you have the chance, please try out the new SharePoint site located here.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I’m particularly interested in how well (or not so well) everyone is able to find the content they normally interact with and how intuitive the interface is. You can email me here.

Dave Collins

Civil War era letters from Special Collections in Archival Services are now available online.


Selected Civil War era letters from Special Collections in Archival Services are now available online.  In commemoration of the Civil War Sesquicentennial and through the work of our talented Kent State University School of Library and Information Science practicum student Adam Wanter, 163 multipage letters are available in full color.  Select letters from four of our collections were chosen for the project.  Currently available are: Alvin Coe Voris pre-war letters home [Akron, Ohio] from the Ohio Legislature 1860-1861. Joseph Sailor’s letters home [DeGraff, Ohio] from the 45th Ohio Infantry Regiment on campaign in Kentucky.  William McCollam’s [Uhrichsville, Ohio] correspondence to and from his wife Callie during his 100 day call up and service with the 161st Ohio Infantry Regiment near Martinsburg, Virginia.  John J. Polsley’s letters from his service with the 8th Virginia Volunteer Regiment which would later be designated the 7th West Virginia Cavalry Regiment.

To view more images from University Libraries Archival Services visit our Digital Collections page.

Dean's Office General Interest

Committee Selected: Outstanding Student Assistant Awards

Thanks to all the volunteers for your willingness to serve on this committee to recognize our wonderful student employees! This year’s committee will be:

  1. Jo Ann Calzonetti
  2. Kristina Coley
  3. Stephanie Everett
  4. Beate Gersch
  5. Craig Holbert

The committee will meet shortly and nomination information will be distributed soon. The award(s) will be given at our service awards celebration at the end of April.

General Interest

Save the Date: April 22 UL Service Awards

Our annual service awards celebration will be TUESDAY, April 22 from 2-3:30pm in Bierce 351. 

We’ll be celebrating:

  • Employee Service Milestones
  • Graduating Senior Assistants
  • Outstanding Student Employee Award Recipients

Mark your calendar and please share with your students!

Dean's Office General Interest

Spector installation has begun!

Installation has begun on “Thoughts as Pages, Stacks as Memories” a collaboration between artist Buzz Spector and UA Myers School of Art students. Exhibit opens tomorrow in Bierce lobby!


Center for the History of Psychology Dean's Office General Interest

Book-based Art Debuts at Bierce

Acclaimed artist, Buzz Spector, is collaborating with students from The University of Akron’s Myers School of Art in “Thoughts as Pages, Stacks as Memories,” a free exhibition March 12 through April 18 in the lobby of UA’s Bierce Library.

In addition to Spector’s works, the exhibition will feature works created by students in a painting class taught by UA Art Professor Matthew Kolodziej. The art students have created works from books donated by UA’s Center for the History of Psychology. After studying the content of the books, they altered them and incorporated their artistic responses to the Center’s intriguing collection of devices used for testing memory and perception. Some of the devices are also in the exhibition.

To open the exhibition, Spector will give a free public lecture at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, in the auditorium of Folk Hall, home of the Myers School of Art, 150 E. Exchange St.

Librarians Lori Fielding and Bonnie Chojnacki were instrumental in getting this project off the ground.