Dean's Office General Interest Research & Learning Services

Bierce to Host The Race Card Project

Bierce to Host The Race Card Project with NPR’s Michele Norris

In honor of National Public Radio (NPR) Michele Norris’ visit to campus on Monday, February 3, 2014 for Rethinking Race, the University Libraries will host an installation of The Race Card Project in Bierce Library.

The Race Card Project is the brainchild of Norris, developed as a tool to jumpstart conversations about race during her recent book tour. She asked people to think about their experiences, questions, hopes, dreams, laments or observations about race and identity, distill them to just one sentence that had only six words, and submit them on postcards. It has been a wildly successful and insightful project.

From Monday, January 27- Friday, February 14, 2014, UA students, faculty and alumni are encouraged to join in a conversation about race, ethnicity and identity by submitting their six-word race card essays in Bierce Library.  The collection of candid submissions will be on display in the library throughout Rethinking Race 2014.

For more on The Race Card Project, For more information about Rethinking Race,

Dean's Office General Interest Science & Technology Library

Science Faculty Research Gallery Reception- Thursday Jan. 23

Please join us on Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 3:00pm at the Science Faculty Research Gallery reception in the Science and Technology library.

In the sciences, most research output is in the form of journal articles and over time a tradition developed of honoring particularly excellent articles by putting art from the article on the journal’s cover. To ‘get a cover’ means the researchers have combined excellent research with something visually engaging. If you walk through the halls of a research building, you will see journal covers like these proudly displayed on doorways and lab windows.

This gallery collects journal covers from University of Akron researchers in Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Polymer Engineering and Polymer Science.



Electronic Services

Sierra: Update 1.1.3 installed on 1/7/2014

The Sierra application and database servers were updated to Sierra 1.1.3 on Monday January 7, 2014. A  restart is required in order to download new SDA (Sierra Desktop Application) software..

This update resolves several reported known issues and introduces some new functionality including the following:

  • Rapid Update now defaults to “single record” rather than “multi record”
  • Navigation improvements in multi-window mode when editing records from a browse results screen.
  • Globally Purge Fines now includes a progress indicator and the summary display of changes has been improved.
  • Web Management Reports are now available within the Sierra Desktop Application.

.For more details, click on the Release 1.1.3 link on the Sierra SharePoint.

Electronic Services Professional Development

New training opportunities from OCLC

OCLC has just posted a new list of upcoming training opportunities for:

  • Cataloging and metadata
  • Digital collection management
  • Resource Sharing and delivery
  • Maximizing
  • Reference and discovery.

Follow this link for details on courses:


Dean's Office General Interest

Pre-Finals Week Events

We’ll need some volunteers to greet our WAGTime therapy dogs/owners each day and keep them company in the lobby during their stay. SIGN UP HERE:

Monday, December 2

When Where What
All Day Bierce Lobby Puzzles
11am Bierce Lobby WAGTime Therapy Dogs (Ellie, Maddie, Makenna)
3pm-4pm LIB154 Common Reading Essay Contest Awards Ceremony
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break


Tuesday, December 3

When Where What
All Day Bierce Lobby Puzzles
10-11am Map Room (275) Meditation Lesson
11:30am Bierce Lobby WAGTime Therapy Dogs (Cooper, Norman, Ellie)
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break
8pm- Bierce PB& J Deli


Wednesday, December 4

When Where What
All Day Bierce Lobby Puzzles
11am Bierce Lobby WAGTime Therapy Dogs (Tank, Vinnie, Cowboy)
4:30-6:30pm Bierce Lobby Chair Massages
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break


Thursday, December 5

When Where What
All Day Bierce Lobby Puzzles
10-11am Map Room (275) Meditation Lesson
1pm Bierce Lobby WAGTime Therapy Dogs (Vegas, Gracie, Bentley)
8pm-close Bierce/S&T Coffee Break



Dean's Office General Interest Professional Development

CORRECTION- December 11-12: UL Professional Headshots

Professional photographers will be available in the Bay Room to take headshots of UL staff and faculty on the afternoon of December 11 and morning of December 12. Each portrait session will be 10 minutes and you will have the opportunity to choose your favorite pose. The headshots can be used for LibGuides, committee/department websites, professional organizations, e-digest announcements, etc.  It is not mandatory.


What:                   Professional Headshots for UL Faculty and Staff

When:                  December 12: 1-5pm and December 13: 9am-12pm

Where:                 Bay Room


Dean's Office General Interest

Library Snapshot Day- Wednesday, November 20, 2013

SNAPSHOTDay2013-300x138pxIt’s picture day again at the University Libraries.

This Wednesday, November 20 the UL will be participating in Ohio Library Snapshot Day 2013: A Day in the Life of Ohio Libraries.

We will be documenting what happens on a typical day at all of our locations, including but not limited to:

  • students’ use of the building
  • staff behind the scenes
  • student workers

Back by popular demand will be the whiteboard in Bierce Lobby and new this year we will be running an instagram contest for the students via our Facebook page. #biercelibrary

The stories and photos we collect will be added to those of other libraries across the state to raise awareness about the important role of libraries in Ohio.

Get involved!

No one will be forced to be in pictures, but you can volunteer to be in them, or take your own photos to submit to our Flickr photo stream showing us what you do/see. (These pictures can be e-mailed to Stephanie.)

Check out last year’s photos:

Dean's Office

Volunteer Opportunity: Honors College Scholarship Friday

The Honors College is looking for volunteers to help interview potential incoming Honors students for Invitation to Excellence: Scholarship Friday next Friday, November 22. The time commitment for an interviewer is Noon – 2 p.m. and/or 3-5 p.m. 

For just a few hours of your time this is a fun and easy opportunity to interact with outstanding students and encourage them to attend UA. And it really is fun- just ask Ann, Phyllis or Stephanie who are all returning interviewers this year.

Training is available. For more information, please call or e-mail Peggy Walchalk (x5247 or

Dean's Office

Honors Project Exhibit in ETL Beginning November 18

The ETL is getting an exciting face-lift for the end of the semester.

Two graphic design seniors will be displaying their honor’s projects in room 168 beginning November 18th. AJ Poholski’s project is based on environmental disasters affecting bodies of water. Ashley Hauser’s project displays research on what inspires and kills creativity. The joint exhibit is mixed media using video as well as 2-D design.

The students are hosting a small reception in the space Monday, November 18 from 5:30-7pm please stop by if you are able and spread the word.

Electronic Services

MARC Records: OhioLINK YPB E-Book project

465 MARC records provided by OhioLINK were recently loaded for the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project. These records represent a combination of both discovery (non-purchased) and purchased titles. These records are available in the UAL Catalog and will be available in Search-A-Roo within 3-4 working days.

For more information on the OhioLINK YBP E-Book project go to:

Link to example record: