Professional Development Research & Learning Services

New Faculty Open House



Dean's Office

UL Will Celebrate Banned Book Week Sept 22-28

The University Libraries will be celebrating Banned Book Week September 22-28, 2013.

Activities throughout the week will include:

Display cases:

  • 6-7 display cases in Bierce featuring banned books: The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter Series; The Giver, etc
  • Check out Caitlin’s pinterest page for more ideas

Lunchtime Dramatic readings from banned books:

  • Volunteers will provide 10 min dramatic (or not so dramatic) readings of excerpts from banned and challenged books.
  • Faculty, students, and staff are all welcome to participate!

If you would like to be a part of the planning/execution of this event please call or email Stephanie. 

A list of the top ten challenged books in 2012 can be found here:

For more information on Banned Books Week, you can click here:

Research & Learning Services

Celebrate 50 Years of Government Documents at Bierce Library!


Open Invitation to Faculty and Students!

Friday, September 13
10:30 – 11:30
First Floor Bierce Library

We invite you and your students to an hour-long celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of Bierce Library’s participation in the Federal Depository Library Program, which provides invaluable access to a wide range of Presidential documents, data and statistics from government offices, testimony from Congressional hearings, and more.

This event, which will also commemorate Constitution Day, is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about these authoritative resources, as Shari Laster, government documents librarian, will speak about the significance of the library’s role in making these materials accessible to the public.

Consider turning this into an extra-credit opportunity for your students and let them know that refreshments will be served

Find more information at our website

And check out the Shari’s LibGuides for government documents and the Constitution:

We hope to see you there!

One hundred years ago Buchtel College was facing a budget shortfall.


With enrollment down and support from the Universalist Church drying up Buchtel College needed to find additional ways to stay solvent. President A. B. Church planned to raise $500,000 for an endowment for the college; $200,000 had been pledged but the 1913 flood and Rubber strike drastically slowed the fund raising efforts.
After A. B. Church’s untimely death Parke R. Kolbe became President of Buchtel College. Kolbe had taken over as a language professor after his father, who taught here for 35 years, had passed away in 1905. In 1913 as the College President he needed to find new ways to keep the college operating. In the April 14, 1913 Board Meeting, President Kolbe laid out his plans to turn the college over to the City of Akron. You can read about it in the Buchtelite May 1913.

To read more about this interesting time here are several Buchtelite articles:

Buchtel may become the University of Akron Buchtelite May 1913, Volume XXIV, Number 8

City Accepts Buchtel College; To Become University of Akron  Buchtelite September 1913, Volume XXV, Number 1

New Directors of University of Akron decide on important changes to be made Buchtelite January 1914, Volume XXV, Number 5

Other sources for University of Akron history include:

Kolbe, Parke, The Municipal University of Akron: A History of its Establishment, Akron: The Municipal University of Akron, 1914 LD51.A62 H57 1914

Spanton, A. I., Fifty Years of Buchtel 1870-1920 Akron: Buchtel College 1922 LD661 .B52 1922

Knepper, George, New Lamps for Old: One Hundred Years of Urban Higher Education at The University of Akron Akron: The University of Akron 1970 LD51.A62 K6

Municipal University of Akron

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services

Preview: Discovery Service and eJournal A-to-Z list

You can now preview our new Discovery Service, tentatively called Search-A-Roo. Our library catalog is included in Search-A-Roo, as well as the OhioLINK catalog and the vast majority of our databases and electronic resources. We intend for Search-A-Roo to be live from the library’s main homepage toward the end of this September. Currently we are in test mode only.

Be aware that we are still customizing this service, and you should expect to see random changes in displays, results, and search functionality as we work through this roll-out process. Also, the catalog data in Search-A-Roo is about 6 weeks older than what is actually in our catalog. When we are fully implemented the coverage difference will be minimized.

As part of our transition to the new Discovery Service we are also migrating our eJournal A-to-Z list. The A-to-Z list is important not only because it allows us to find our electronic journals easily, but also because it helps the LinkSource link resolver locate full text.

One place the new A-to-Z list will eventually appear is in LibGuides. You can preview the A-to-Z list in LibGuides by using this link. Be patient, it may take a moment to completely load:

new ejournal A-to-Z list preview via LibGuides

You may notice that it allows you to limit a search to ebooks. You may find books contained in aggregator databases such as Education Research Complete, the OhioLINK EBC, and similar databases. Note that it does not currently include an individual ebooks that we may have in our collection.

Dean's Office

From eDigest: New Spaces for Student Services

New year and new spaces for some
student services on campus

You will notice as fall semester begins that the offices of some of our student services have new names, new locations, or both. Many are now part of the Office of Student Success, headed by Jim Tressel, who has a new title — Vice President for Student Success. Learn more at the Office of Vice President for Student Success.The changes have been made to ensure the best possible Akron Experience for our students, right from their first days on campus. The goal with the moves is to make the student services provided by these offices as visible and accessible as possible to the students who need them throughout their years at UA.

Here is the list of the offices with new addresses. All telephone extensions and department ZIP+4 codes will remain the same. Please note: All Student Life offices are now located on the first floor of the Student Union.

 The Career Center has moved to Student Union 211 from Simmons HalI 301.

 The Center for Academic Advising and Student Success has moved to Simmons HalI 301 from Schrank Hall South 9.

 The Zip Card Office in the Student Union has moved to Honors Complex 142 (the former location of the Custom Apparel Store).

 Student Employment has moved from Simmons HalI 301 to Simmons HalI 202B and 202C in the Office of Student Financial Aid.

 Student Judicial Affairs has moved to Simmons HalI 302 from Student Union 216.

 Student Life (Administrative Offices) has moved to Student Union 131 from Student Union 211.

 The Roo Express Office has moved to Quaker Square R101 from Quaker Square 160.

 The Custom Apparel Store is now located in Quaker Square 160. To the headlines.

Electronic Services Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library UAL User Interfaces Committee

LinkSource link resolver

You may have been searching our databases this week and noticed a new link called LinkSource. We are currently replacing our old OLinks link resolver with a product from EBSCO called LinkSource. A link resolver helps connect citations from one database with the article’s full text located in another database. To do this it takes information about the citation and tries to match it with the information about our electronic journals (and sometimes other electronic resources) that we maintain in our eJournal A-Z list. Migrating all of our eJournal information from our current A-Z list to a new product, also from EBSCO, is part of this project as well. Ultimately all of this work is important in setting the stage for the new Discovery Service, which we expect to launch publicly in late September.

As we move through this project you may see different links, such as LinkSource, presented as part of your database search results. There may also be some glitches in linking from a citation in one database to the full text in another while we work on improving the system, and we appreciate your patience with this process. If you have any serious problems to report please do so through the Footprints system so that we can track them properly.


Electronic Services

The 2013 EGL-IUG has been cancelled.

This year’s Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Conference (EGL-IUG), scheduled for Friday, September 13 at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, OH, has been cancelled.

The Planning Committee will be starting its work for a 2014 EGL IUG early by considering new possibilities for how the conference will be organized. Look for a survey to be offered in the later months of this year for your input as to what you’d like to see from a regional conference such as the EGL-IUG.

Electronic Services

Save the date! The EGL-IUG meeting will be held on 9/13/2013

Save the date! The 2013 EGL-IUG meeting will be held on Friday, September 13 at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, Ohio (  More details to come as they are made available.

Dean's Office

Pilot Online Timecard Training Beginning

Online timecards are one step closer to reality! The UL volunteered to be involved in the pilot testing of the online timecard system for campus, EmpCenter.

In Phase One, a small group of 12 UL employees will be testing the online environment while still completing normal timecards. Those employees have been notified and start training and testing this week.

In Phase Two, all UL employees will be testing the timecard system- keep your eyes open for Phase Two training events in the next few weeks.

Phase Three is the campus roll-out which they are hoping will be in the fall.

The first campus open forum for policy related e-timecard discussion is on Friday, August 2, 2013 in SU312 from 10-11am. More forums are in the works.