CALI Lesson Review- Ohio Legal Materials: Primary Sources

Do you need a brush-up on researching Ohio Law?

Try the Ohio Legal Materials lesson in CALI.  The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize the learner with Ohio legal research materials. The lesson will focus on primary source materials in Ohio, including case law, statutes, administrative materials, and court rules.

This lesson is divided into three major sections. The first includes sources of Ohio case law and court rules. The second section contains information on Ohio legislative sources (including the Ohio Constitution). The final section discusses Ohio administrative materials.

Lesson Completion Time: 45 minutes

How to find this lesson: After logging into CALI, click on Legal Research.  The lessons are alphabetic at the next page.

Questions?  Contact Lynn Lenart, Assistant Law Librarian for Reference Services.  330-972-6357,, Law Library, second floor, office 269.