Webinars for law students- easy way to learn WestlawNext and LexisNexis

WestlawNext Webinar for law students

Your West Account Manager, Ryan Vandegrift, will host a webinar on WestlawNext on Friday, October 8 at 2:00 pm.  WestlawNext is the latest legal research product that was just launched to law schools this semester.

Register here.  If the link is not working, click on “Training Calendar” on the left-hand side of the screen after you sign in at http://lawschool.westlaw.com/ .

If you have any questions, please e-mail Ryan at ryan.vandegrift@thomsonreuters.com.


LexisNexis Shepard’s Webinar for law students

Tuesday, October 12th 3:00 p.m. Learn how to ensure that the authority you are citing is “Good Law” through Shepard’s and hand in your assignments with confidence.

This webcast focuses on how to properly Shepardize the authority you are citing. You’ll see specific examples and be able to interact with a Shepard’s expert to ensure your work is ready to hand-in. There is no cost for this webcast.  All you need to attend this webcast is a computer and an internet connection.

Register now for this short webcast and you’ll be sure your research is done right.