IPTLA – Networking and Other Practical Tools, Feb. 17, 12:15 and 5:15, W-214

On February 17 at 12:15 and 5:15 in W-214, Brian Kenney will speak about networking to find a job, and he will present some valuable tools for practical application at your first job. Brian Kenney is an associate and registered patent agent. Brian has extensive engineering experience, in addition to his experience with drafting and prosecuting patent applications; he has written opinions relating to a wide variety of mechanical inventions. Brian Kenney has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University, an MBS from Ashland University, and a J.D. from The University of Akron School of Law. Come for this great opportunity to network and get to know other students that are interested in intellectual property law. Food will be provided!