Akron Law Democrats/Law School Democrats

I received the following message from Sarah Harrison of the Law School Democrats:

“The Law School Democrats is a grass roots organization created by law students at Harvard in 2006, and is still only run by law students. We focus on voter protection, working with OFA/LFO, and keeping law school democrats connected. If there are students on your campus that want to be involved with democratic politics on a national level, then we are the group for them.”

A few years ago, a student organization known as the Akron Law Democrats was active as an independent organization, but it has since fallen inactive. This is an opportunity to reactivate the organization with a national affiliation. If you are interested in reactivating the Akron Law Democrats, please contact me at apm@uakron.edu and I will provide you with more information. For more information on the national group, the Law School Democrats, you may contact Sarah Harrison directly at sharrison@lawschooldems.org.


Adam Messner
Assistant Director of Admissions