Law Library Reading Period & Finals Announcements

OASP and Sum & Substance- Circulation Changes

The circulation period and overdue fines for OASP and Sum and Substance materials will change for Reading Period and Finals. Starting on Nov. 22, these materials will circulate for only 1 day (instead of 72 hours) and no renewals will be allowed.  Overdue fines for these materials will increase from $1.00 per day to $5.00 per day.

These changes provide access to the materials for a greater number of students. If you have questions regarding these changes please stop by the Circulation Desk and ask to speak with Ms. Nevins or a librarian.

Don’t forget…you have access to West Study Aids on Westlaw!  See this posting for more information.

School of Law Sample Exams

The University of Akron School of Law sample exams are available online through Springboard. Log on to Springboard using your UANet ID and Password and follow the link for Law School Sample Exams – Ongoing.

Shhh! Law Students are Studying . . .

It is the time of the semester when students are writing papers and preparing for exams.  Please be courteous of your fellow students and help control the noise level throughout the Law Library.  Please put your cell phones and pagers on vibrate and conduct quiet phone conversations either outside of the Law Library or near the Law Library restrooms.  If you listen to any form of audio, use headphones and keep the volume low.  Please limit conversations in open study areas and if you want to work in a group, please use a study room.  When using group study rooms please be respectful of your neighbors and keep discussions under control, the walls are not soundproof.

Law Library Guides to help you prepare for finals

To help you prepare for finals, take a look at these library guides:
First Year Courses
Upper Division Bar Courses
Elective Courses

The guides link to information about study aids, course materials, audio lectures, flashcards, CALI lessons and AudioCaseFiles.  All these resources are available to University of Akron law students and can be accessed here.