Extraordinary Opportunity to Study Chinese Intellectual Property Law

We are pleased to be able to offer a one-credit, eight-week course, Overview of Chinese Intellectual Property Law, which will be taught by Professor Yang Ming of Peking University Law School in Beijing, China. As China grows increasingly powerful and influential in world trade, Chinese Intellectual Property Law will become increasingly important to American businesses and lawyers.

Here is Professor Yang’s description of the course:

This course is intended for students to understand Chinese IP law generally, mainly the relative legislations, cases and some disputes among scholars and judges. The course begins with an analysis of the competing policies underlying the IP laws. It covers the basics of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrets and other IP-related areas of law, as well as some of the salient controversies in IP law, including copyright infringement on Internet, cross-class protection of well-known mark, some flaws about procedures in the field of patent law, the application of related doctrines to the field of anti-unfair competition, and etc.

This course will meet twice a week for one hour beginning the week of February 6, 2012. We have tentatively scheduled the class for 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. We have the flexibility to change that schedule, however. If you can take the course at the scheduled time, please register for it. If you are interested in taking the course but cannot take it at the scheduled time, please let Misty Franklin know of your interest. We will then try to find a time when all interested students can take the course. You may contact Ms. Franklin at misty@uakron.edu.

The basis of evaluation for the course will be a paper.  Further details will be provided by Prof. Yang.

Certain course materials are now available from Ms. Aupperle.  sfauppe@uakron.edu.

For further information regarding the course, please contact Prof. Samuels.

Prof. Yang’s profile may be found at : http://en.law.pku.edu.cn/Teacher/teacherView.asp?id=62&mid=20101114292056&menuid=20091124932688&menuname=Faculty