The Summer 2012 Schedule is Now Available.

The Summer 2012 Schedule with Elective descriptions is now available on our website.  Please visit:

The University has changed Priority Registration times.  Registration will open as follows:

Monday, February 27th at 7:00 PM for LL.M., D3 & E4

Tuesday, February 28th at 7:00 PM for D2 and E3

Wednesday, February 29th at 7:00 PM for D1 and E2

Thursday, March 1st at 7:00 PM for E1

IMPORTANT:  The classification is based on the number of credit hours you have COMPLETED!  The chart is as follows:

E4 (67-87 credits completed)

D3 (59-87 credits completed)

E3 (45-66 credits completed)

D2 (30-58 credits completed)

E2 (23-44 credits completed)

D1 (0-29 credits completed)

E1 (0-22 credits completed)