IP Course Registration Issues

As many of you noticed this semester we eliminated the 700 level IP courses and only have listed the 800 level IP courses.  Unfortunately we were unable to see if this would cause any issues in registration until registration opened and I am sorry to report that issues are currently happening.  Many of you are receiving prerequisite errors or permission errors to enroll.  The reason for this is that the 800 level courses were coded in the system to only allow students with either a JD/LLM career or LLM career to register for the course, we are currently working to have this corrected so that all students can register for these classes.  In the meantime, if you have had difficulty registering for any 800 level IP courses please email College Program Specialist Misty D. Franklin at misty@uakron.edu with your name, student i.d. number and the IP course(s) that you are trying to register for.  Once the system error has been corrected you will be registered and notified.

Thank you for your patience while we figure this out.