Technology fixes: A progress report from Jim Sage, VP Information Technology Services/CIO

Your concerns with the state of technology at The University of Akron are concerns we share. When problems occur, we work as quickly and as long as necessary to find and fix the problem.

Network connection and performance issues have been particularly frustrating for us.
We have:

  • Brought Cisco engineers to campus to help us diagnose their system.
  • Modified the firewall to better ensure easy connection.
  • Replaced a defective network component to improve network performance across campus.

Springboard problems, while not related to the network issues, are something else we’re working on. The connection and stability problems did not originate with the University and required the vendor, Desire2Learn, to provide a fix. That fix has been applied and we’re monitoring Springboard to ensure it worked.

There may be some problems that linger; please continue to contact the Support Center at ext. 6888 with any issues, questions, or concerns. As soon as we are aware of a problem, we will move immediately to address it. If you are not satisfied with the resolutions we put in place, please feel free to contact me at

You also can follow our technology services on the IT Status Page.

I personally apologize for the less than acceptable service level,

Jim Sage, VP Information Technology Services/CIO