SBA Inagural Meeting – Thurs., Sept. 11th 12:15pm and 5:30pm

“ALL AKRON LAW STUDENTS ARE INVITED to attend the Inaugural meeting of the Student Bar Association Full Council on THURSDAY Sept. 11 at 12:15 and again at 5:30 in Rm. 151. Jimmy John’s will be provided at the daytime meeting and Aladdin’s at the evening meeting.

The purpose of this initial meeting will be to introduce the new 1L Representatives and Class President. The SBA Council will also discuss and vote on a proposed new Constitution for SBA. Thomas Petropoulos from the Akron Bar will speak briefly to discuss the increased cooperation between SBA and the Akron Bar, and the Council will begin to plan important networking and social events like the Public Interest Auction, Barrister’s Ball, and Speed Networking with the Ohio State Bar Ass’n.

All Akron Law students are members of the Student Bar Association, and membership is always 100% free. You are always permitted to attend SBA meetings and your participation is a vital part of making student life at Akron Law the best in the Nation!

We look forward to seeing you there!”