Collaborative Against Human Trafficking & Ohio Women’s Bar Association to Sponsor Awareness Event Oct. 16, 2015

All are invited to attend a lunch program about Human Trafficking and its tragic effects on our communities on Friday, October 16, 2015. Franklin County’s CATCH (Changing Actions to Change Habits) Court will be explained by the featured speaker, Franklin Municipal Judge Paul Herbert. There will also be a panel discussion to address Summit County’s efforts to combat human trafficking.

The event will be held at Portage Country Club, 240 N. Portage Path, Akron. Check-in  starts at 11:30AM and the program will start promptly at11:45AM and conclude at 2:45PM. Cost of lunch is $30.

2.5 hours of CLE are available for an additional $20. Registration deadline is October 9, 2015.   For more information, or to register, go to or contact Susan Baker Ross at 330-375-2912.