Social Justice at Akron Law, February 15th at 12:00 PM or 5:00 PM

Social Justice at Akron Law
Join Professor Lee on February 15th in CBA Room 133 at 12:00 PM or CBA Room 139 at 5:00 PM to learn about the Social Justice Project. We will discuss opportunities to work on social justice projects including academic credit, pro bono hours, and more depending on students’ desired commitment level.
Come prepared to talk about issues that are important to you. Our goals are to understand your interests, foster discussion, improve study skills, and bring together like-minded students. We will begin the meeting with a substantive discussion on the Flint water crisis.
Suggested reading prior to the meeting:
What Went Wrong in Flint
Flint Mom Shares the Heartbreak of Giving Her Kids Poisoned Water