Have You Contributed to the Class Gift Yet?

Remember, everyone who contributes to the Student Emergency Fund will be recognized in the Graduation Packet, which will be distributed at Commencement. Similarly, those who contribute will also be recognized on the Akron Law Honor Roll of Donors, which is distributed annually to all alumni.

Again, this is our, the Class of 2016, way of leaving the Akron Law community in a far better place than when we started. There is no time commitment, or a huge monetary commitment for that matter. We are simply asking you to give what you can and ask a colleague to do the same. Donating to the Fund is just as simple. One can donate by: (a) check payable to UA School of Law, with “Student Emergency Fund” noted on the memo line; (b) completing a credit card donation form; or (c) giving online at http://www.uakron.edu/giving/colleges/. Please direct checks or credit card payments to the attention of Lia Evans, Director of Alumni and Development, at the School of Law. If giving online, follow the link and click “Gift a Gift” under the Law heading. Please be sure to direct the gift to the “Student Emergency Fund.”

The deadline is April 29, but because we are getting this notice out later than usual, students will have until the week before graduation to contribute to the Fund to get their names placed in the Graduation Packet at Commencement.

Lets leave our mark at Akron Law!